
By Kate_miller

Reblooming Orchid and Super Summery Toenails!

 Would you like a flower on your big toe?
That would be lovely, I mumbled. As I slipped into a happy coma at the Tip & Toe. In their cushy leather massage chair while my tootsies were tubbed and scrubbed, polished and painted, brought back to life after a solid month of heavy duty landscaping. In sandals.

Hot Cha Cha Roses

 This is all new to me. Being pretty and stuff. On my May trip to New Mexico, my girlfriends were appalled at my broken, dirty fingernails. (Hey. I work garden for a living.) And, whisked me off to USA Nails for a complete overhaul. I loved the results. First time in years I wasn't embarrassed of my hands.

Perennial Snapdragons

 When I was back down in New Mexico last week, I tried to get a touch up but nobody had time to squeeze me in. Of course, I'll never go back there now that I've discovered the Tip & Toe. Because they've got these comfy leather chairs...


 It is hot. Miserably hot. And, dry. Blustery winds batter the garden. There's a weird yellow tint to the sky, perhaps from the wildfires burning just south of me. The smell of smoke fills the air.
Plus, things keep going wrong.
Which is why I decided to escape for awhile. To the bliss of a nail salon where nobody speaks English. At least not very well.

On Monday, I lost my camera. Which is never a good thing but a huge tragedy, this time, since it contained pictures of the most remarkable petroglyphs I'd ever encountered. While horseback riding in a remote back country area somewhere in the middle of New Mexico.
On Tuesday, a friend asked for a shockingly big favor. To borrow a whole bunch o' money. Has this ever happened to you? And, how do you handle it? I said no but I've felt sad and guilty ever since.
And, then! The coup de gras. Some dirty rotten scoundrel stole my scooter. Isn't that just rude? (Salt Lake City friends, please keep an eye out my beloved Scooty. License # A54CM Honda Metro)
But, there is an upside to every miserable situation. It's not like anything else could go wrong since everything already has. And, the temperatures are guaranteed to cool down. I mean, winter will show up at some point, won't it?
Plus, I have Tivo. And, central air. So, I could hide out, indoors, with the a/c blasting for weeks, if I wanted need to.
Here's hoping you're all having a joyfully uncomplicated week. :)