Six Places

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Good morning!! Sorry I’ve been MIA for most of this week, with work travel landing me in Philly until Wednesday night and a lot of excitement at work over some great data we released, its been kind of a whirlwind!  I haven’t been able to catch up with you all and I’m sorry, but I’m back and it’s Friday so that means it’s time for a little bit more about me via the 10 Day Challenge.  Today’s post is on 6 places.  I thought about whether I wanted to highlight 6 places I frequent a lot that I love or places I have traveled to,  but I decided I would highlight 6 places I want to travel to.  I have said many times here that I LOVE to travel and Robyn and I did quite a bit of traveling before having Ashton and I get to travel for work too, so I have been pretty fortunate to visit a lot of really great places, but here are some (I really had a hard time pairing the full list down) of the top places on my “to go” list!  Many will have to wait until Ash is a bit older though and can enjoy what we are doing (and tolerate the length of the flights), but I have no doubt that we WILL visit all of these places.

Six Places

1. Africa (specifically, an African Safari)

I’m dying to do an African Safari…I have looked into quite a few companies who specialize in this type of experience.  I’d really like to go during the Great migration so we can hopefully see a very diverse population of wildlife.

2. Australia & New Zealand

Robyn and I have been talking about a trip to Australia & New Zealand for quite a few years.  We likely would have gone in 2012, but I got pregnant right after we got back from our 2 week adventure in Ireland (hands down our best vacation ever) in 2011 and it was put on the back burner, there was no way I was traveling that far while pregnant!  We couldn’t choose between both places, so we would definitely do both in one trip!

3. Asia 

I know this is pretty broad and it’s intentionally that way because when we go, we are going to do a REALLY big trip spanning many cities.  Why take such a long flight and not try to maximize the time you have there?  We are thinking we would need to go for at least 3 weeks.

4. Iceland

Robyn and I had planned to go to Reykjavik in 2010 but the Bachelorette headed there for an episode which caused a lot of interest there so the prices SKYROCKETED and our very reasonably priced vacation turned ridiculous so we opted to go to the Grand Canyon instead (which was a totally amazing trip, so it wasn’t a wash!)  Iceland is only about a 4 hour flight from Boston so we hope to get there soon and swim in the Blue Lagoon!

5. South Africa

I have always wanted to go to Cape Town, I mean it’s kind of the best of all worlds, it has the water, hiking and wildlife encounters!

6. Greece

Greece has such a rich history and is set against a stunning backdrop.  It’s been on my travel list since college when a friend of mine did his study abroad semester there and came back with amazing travel stories.  I want to see the Colosseum, the whitewashed homes, blue-domed churches, and the pastel-colored baroque homes.  They also have gorgeous beaches, huge mountain ranges, vineyards and olive orchards…seriously, how could you NOT want to go there?

So there you have it, my top 6 places we want to travel to at this point.  However, I am happy to go anywhere as long as I am with my boys.  We haven’t traveled a lot with Ashton, our biggest trip with him was to Toronto last summer, but given that he was only 18 months old, he was a total rock star during the long trip.  I look forward to exposing him to more as he gets older.  


Question of the day

Where do you want to travel to?  Have you been to any of the places on my list?  If so, tell me about it!