Six-Pack Project: Visiting New Frontiers

By Bryan Roth @bryandroth

I am thrilled to share the latest round of Six-Pack Project posts from fellow beer writers who have joined the effort to sing the praises of their home state’s beer culture.

Since starting this effort in May, I’ve been lucky to corral 28 writers from around the country to highlight 23 states and three foreign countries. Today, both those numbers grow.

I can’t thank everyone enough for making the Six-Pack Project a success. I had no idea what would come of it when it first started and it’s been exciting to read about beer I never would have heard of, let alone finding people who have spontaneously decided to join – all thanks to a passion for beer.

That said, I’m going to make a slight change to the Six-Pack Project for future posts. I will continue to try and create monthly posts on This is Why I’m Drunk to highlight everyone’s great work, but will now begin a “rolling admission” of posts. From here on out, I’m happy to add to the growing Six-Pack Project list whenever I receive submissions.

Keep an eye out for more states and countries! If you want to get involved or just want to talk beer, drop me a line on Twitter.

Without further ado, pull up Google maps, pour yourself a cold one and take a look at this month’s entries to the Six-Pack Project:


  • Alabama by Blake at The Southern Committee – Some awesome beertography to pair with interesting choices, like a monkey astronaut.
  • Alaska by William at Drinking on the Last Frontier – Sure, there’s the famous Alaskan Smoked Porter … but what else will keep you warm up north?
  • Florida by Gerard from Beer in Florida – Lots of pale ales/IPAs to choose from, including a handy map and list of Florida breweries!
  • Louisiana by Nora of NOLA Beer Blog – Abita makes an obligatory appearance, but I didn’t know the breadth of LA beer options.
  • New Jersey by Vin at Bier Battered – A nice complement to Ryan’s original Six-Pack post to rack up even more NJ beers to try.
  • Tennessee by Charles from Swen’s Brew Blog – Want a crash course in the Tennessee beer scene? Charles goes from intro to advanced knowledge fast.


  • Bolivia by Kyle at The Brewolero – The counrty’s beer scene has been exploding lately, so don’t think you’re stuck ordering tropical drinks if you visit.
  • Italy by Matt of Birra Pioneer – Enjoy a “meal” of beers from a truly culinary country.

+Bryan Roth
“Don’t drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.” — Jack Kerouac