Six on Saturday – After the Rain

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I've been moving a lot of plants around over the last couple of weeks partly to clear the Big Border for edibles but also to address some of the plants that have outgrown their space or just aren't looking great any more. It has made be really aware of how dry the soil was becoming and I have found myself having to get the hose out several times a week to try to help the plants survive the trauma of being unceremoniously hauled out of the ground.

Yesterday late afternoon the rain finally appeared, fine rain, nothing much to write home about and to be honest a little disappointing. But this morning I was thrilled to wake to heavy and persistent rain which only really eased early afternoon.

Going out to take some photos for Six on Saturday post it was lovely to smell that wonderful fresh smell that you only get from a good downfall of rain. Not only does it smell fresh but there is that wonderful light that comes with the sun starting to push through the mist and clouds making everything feel soft and lush.

So to my Six on Saturday. First up is Darmera peltata, also known as the 'Umbrella Plant'. I grow this plant mainly for its leaves which are umbrella like, hence the name, and do very well in the damp shade border. However, the flowers make a welcome and interesting addition to the shady border. Next up are Bluebells. I have no idea is these are English or Spanish but they have been in my garden for years and come from the hedgerow near my parents old house in the country so I would like to think they were English.

My third is this Trillium which I am super pleased with. I think it is Trillium grandiflorum but happy to be corrected. I have had it for some years now and it has appeared every year with one flower. This year it has decided to produce three flowers which is just wonderful and makes me incredibly happy.

Number 4 is Primula denticulata. This individual is just one of a group of ten or more which have developed from one plant grown from seed probably ten years or more ago. Back in the Autumn I was sorting out the Woodland border and decided to divide up the Primula denticulata quite aggressively and I have been rewarded with more and stronger flowers, proving that plants sometimes do respond well to a little rough treatment.

Number 5 are Camassias. These are starting to be a bit of a weed in my garden. Having bought a couple of bulbs years back they have been either seeding around or the bulbs bulking up either way I have been redistributing them around the garden and to be honest composting quite a few.

Number Six: Deutzia. This shrub was in the garden when we moved in 17 years ago and never fails to deliver an abundance of flowers every year. I'm sure its early this year as I think it normally flowers around the time of the Malvern Spring Show which is the second weekend of May.

I'm anticipating that with the warm weather forecast for next week and the amount of rain that we have had today the garden will really be bursting with new growth and flowers by next weekend.