Six on Saturday – 29/12/2018

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

It is quite a challenge to find ideas for Six on Saturday at this time of the year. The allotment is dormant (with some waterlogged paths) and the patio containers look just as they did a few weeks ago. However, all is not lost!

I live in a Hampshire harbor village which is part of several Chichester Harbour inlets and home to retired and weekend sailors, with not just one but two sailing clubs. It is no surprise to find not only boats in front gardens during the winter months, but also wooden dinghies along the main road filled with colourful annuals during the summer months and grasses, pansies and wallflowers in the winter.

Six on Saturday – 29/12/2018

Six on Saturday – 29/12/2018

Six on Saturday – 29/12/2018

These lovely boat planters are cared for by local residents with the help of donations and community grants. The Emsworth in Bloom team also plant up displays around the Mill Pond area, including hanging troughs on the bridge.

Six on Saturday – 29/12/2018

I know they also had a massive bulb planting session so I’m certain they will look magnificent in the spring.

So that’s my short

Six on Saturday post hosted by The Propagator Blog. The next one will be next year in 2019 – Happy New Year everyone.