Following on from my last post, the observant of you will notice that the blog is now called The Ageing Gardener as it was 10 years ago I hurtled to 60!
It’s been an unsettling week, with COVID news none of us wanted to hear and a sudden collapse in the weather from being very warm at the beginning of the week to a drop in temperature of 10C.
However, with my positive hat on its onwards and upwards. We still have plants flowering and it’s time to start o,a ting up spring bulbs to give us something to look forward to.
At the front or our apartment block, we have an enormous Monterey Cyprus. It’s a magnificent tree but sucks all the goodness from around it. In the spring I scattered a wildflower pack of seeds at the base which has fared well and since the terrestrial rain in the middle of the week it appears to have picked up. I planted wallflowers here a few weeks ago which have taken to their new home.
This was a tiny shrub bought from Morrison’s last year and this year is looking splendid with the most beautiful flowers living up to its Heavenly Blue name.
Another plant that lives up to its name, Indian Summer. It has done us proud this year and although the stems are now a lot shorter, it is still flowering and providing a splash of color to the garden.
Living in a flat, I was determined to make a portion of my allotment into a proper garden area. This photo is just one border and you can see the mini wildlife pond at the bottom corner of the pic. This bed is full of wallflowers and primulas. The Red Baron grass in the foreground breaks up the green.
This is another part of my allotment garden, with roses, fluffy grasses, day lilies and a fabulous Gaura. To the right you can just see the edge of my dahlias which have done very well this year. I posted about them for last week as my Six on Saturday 19 September.
Gardening for me is my way of reminding myself that there is always something in life is worth being positive about. When you see well established self seeds such as the Cerinthe above, you know you will have an abundance of free plants next year to look forward to.
Thank you The Propagator Blog for hosting this weekly meme. Please visit his blog and take a look at all the contributors showing what is in their gardens at the moment.