Six on Saturday 20/03/2021

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

A little late today, but it’s still Saturday. I’ve spend three hours on the allotment this morning weeding the garden area. The weather threatened rain with dark clouds overhead, but just occasionally the sun broke through and it was wonderfully warm.

Today is the spring equinox meaning it’s the first day of spring! I daresay most of today’s posts will be happily announcing that. Stuff is starting to grow and life is good.

My Six on Saturday are daffodils. Now in full bloom and brightening up gardens and roadsides. There are so many different varieties growing in the grounds here and on my allotment it was hard to select just six. I can’t name the six I’ve chosen, but they are all different and beautiful.

Without further ado, here are my six chosen daffodils.







Thank you toThe Propagatorfor this wonderful weekly meme where we can show off how our garden spaces are progressing from week to week. Please visit him, there is always something interesting to look at.