Six on Saturday 14/11/2020

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

Now we are heading into winter, there’s not much happening in the garden or on my allotment. I have planted the majority of my spring bulbs, so it’s just sit back and wait time. There is definitely color still on my patio, thanks to pansies and cyclamen.

Here are my Six on Saturday taken in the rain…

1. Mini Mums

This was a tiny plant, one of six small chrysanthemums, bought from a local nursery last year. This one I planted in one of my patio pots to fill a gap, it has done more than that now and is looking fabulous. The only problem is I would like to use this pot for the last of my tulips bulbs, but might have to buy another pot – oh what a disaster, more pots!!

2. One of the pretty cyclamens

I have several cyclamen plants topping my bulb pots in a variety of colours from white through to burgundy, but I particularly love this variegated pink and white one.

3. Hellebore

Most of the hellebore plants I bought last year are now out in the flowerbeds and flourishing. This is a new one with a flower that starts of white and turns green. The jury is out on the colour, it’s a bit wishy washy.

4. Lewisia

Sshh! Don’t let on to this prettiest Lewisia that it’s November but I’m so pleased to see it still flowering. I’m hoping I can nurture the plant through the winter, in past years I’ve not had much success.

5. Strange plant with lost label

Because I can’t resist a bargain, this was reduced to £3 at my local garden center. Also it makes a change from all the pansies and cyclamens. However, I have lost the label when I planted it so can’t remember exactly what it’s name is, but think it was a strange unpronounceable name starting with a ‘P’. It’s different anyway.

6. Crocus!

This pot of crocus ‘Ruby giant’ is one of four pots adorning my patio table. Although not supposed to appear until the new year, I’m delighted to see a few crocus leaves poking through. There are 10 bulbs in this pot with 3 early starters and looking closely there may be a few more about to appear. I suppose it is because it is still so mild maybe a cold snap will hold them back. The wire topping is my homemade squirrel deterrent which are a nightmare here.

A big thank you to The Propagator for hosting Six on Saturday. Please pop along and pay him and all the other contributors a visit.