Six on Saturday – 02/03/2019

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

Did you know there are two dates that herald spring? Meteorologically, because the year is split into 4 seasons, every year spring starts on 1st March. Astronomically, spring depends on the spring equinox which can vary from year to year. This year it is 20th March. This is confusing, to me anyway, because the ‘planting season’ for early spring is March, the 1st or 20th, I suppose depends on the weather. What’s your take on this?

Last week we had an unusual heatwave and everything came on by leaps and bounds. Today it is much cooler, wet and windy with the prospect of Storm Freya about to arrive. Fleece is still at the ready.

Now on to my Six on Saturday.

1. The warm weather has woken up my seeds.

Leeks – I was beginning to give up on my leeks and delighted when the shoots appeared.

Peppers – Also a little slower than expected, all of a sudden tiny pepper seedlings have popped up.

Geum – These are my Geum ‘Lady Strathenden’. I’m going to interplant them under the Alliums, the gold of the Geums should look great with the Allium purples.

2. Making a strawberry bed.

The previous owner of my allotment plot allowed strawberries to do their on thing and they have made their way across several beds and paths. I decided I would put a stop to their rampant behavior and make one bed. I’m beginning to select tiny plants that have rooted from runners and put them in a new bed with manure.

At the moment they are randomly planted and when I have enough I’ll put them into orderly rows. Then I will make a cage with a lid I’ve seen on another blog using chicken wire.

3. Wildlife pond in the making.

Made using a washing up bowl, my wildlife pond is almost finished. I tried so hard to make the hole level, but after filling the bowl with gravel and rainwater from the water butt to my annoyance it is not level, so I’m tempted to lift it out and realign it.

I bought a selection of 5 wildflower plants, Red Campion, Ragged Robin, Selfheal, Valerian and a Foxglove to plant surround the pond. My next job is to buy some slate to put around the edge (and hide the blue rim!). Aquatic plants are not on sale at the moment but when they are I will buy a few oxygenating plants.

4. Spring Container plants

I am very chuffed with my patio containers which are beginning to look very springlike. I always surprise myself when I see stuff coming through that I wasn’t expecting. I thought had a small trough with pansies, but clearly it is also planted with anemones.

Being a person who is very remiss at labelling, I had also completely forgotten that I had planted Snow Bunting crocus and they are looking striking against the Skimmia and dark red cyclamen.

5. Wedding flowers

Last Saturday was my nephew’s wedding and I have to share the beautifully decorated barn with you. Jess (his new wife) is very talented and has a marvelous eye for detail. The barn was breathtaking, and filled with the air of Narcissi Paperwhite adorning the tables.

Roses and hops, (not to mention the chandeliers), were used to adorn the beams and pillars. It looked truly magical.

6. And finally…

If you have not already seen this, just a little funny to make you smile. It is very apt at the moment with our odd weather is at the moment. Non-sensible people have been rushing to the garden centres to buy plants for their gardens not realising it’s far too early.

A big thank you to The Propagator for hosting Six on Saturday where you will find lots of other contributions, not just from the U.K.
