Six For Sunday

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

one // nose piercing

I am in a debate at the moment about whether to get my nose pierced or not. Nothing crazy, just a really simple little stud.What do we think? Would it be totally inappropriate/look ridiculous? Getting a bit of jewelry added to your face is quite a big decision I think. Not like it could be easily hidden.
two // Jamaica Inn
Following reading Daphne Du Mauriers Jamaica Inn back in February/March time I naturally tuned into the BBC adaption running Monday through Wednesday this week. Not as good as the book, as the book is exceptional but still a good watch. I know that some people complained that the sound wasn't too good but I didn't have any problems understanding it... Plus Jem was a total babe <3
three // Taking Back Sunday
I love it when you fall back into listening to a band or an artist. They totally fall off your radar for a few years then one day you hear one of their songs and bam you love them again. Cute without the e, Flicker Fade and Sink into me are the theme songs of my days as of late.
Anyone else fallen back into listening to a band?
four // Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
After falling off my reading challenge. Actually this seems to be a constant theme through my life right now, not sure what happened there?! I am back into my reading challenge and book number 4 is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Very late getting on the band wagon for this one but the movie is out in the Autumn so I need go read it before then. Always read the book first!
So far I am loving it. The writing style is engaging and to the point without lacking description and I've not even each the key lot change!
five // Sunshine
How much of a difference does a nice sunny day make? People are so much chirpier and nice! It makes such a difference plus it means some semi-summer close can be rocked. Come on summer, maxi dresses and sandals all day ery day are calling. So excited for summer days in the Meadows and beer gardens galore! #summer2014
six // hair growth
I haven't done a hair growing update in a long time. I figured there wasn't much point doing it as regularly as when it was really short and growing out because there won't be that much of an obvious difference. My hair has some length to it now and actually I am liking where it is at. Got myself a wee cheeky fringe and a bob compared to where my hair was this time last year - it is crazy!
Happy Sunday!