One - Ebay As this the past week rolled on, Ebay seemed to play quite a chunk in not only my internet search history but as a method of fashion acquisition. I have never properly dipped my toe in the Ebay pond fully, I've dabbled but this week - they haven't arrived yet so they could be a total waste of money - I in specific with my search terms and sought out some Zara goodies. Hopefully when they come they a. fit b. aren't in terrible condition. Both are my size and if they are utterly awful quality shouldn't be up for sale really... watch this space. What is your best ebay buy?
Two - charity shopsSaturday was a day spent wandering down through the charity shops of Morningside into Brunstfield before eventually ending in the Old Town. I didn't buy anything because to be honest nothing really grabbed me so there wasn't any point buying anything! I love charity shops for books and nik-naks for around my room. You can find one off pieces that you know everyone won't end up picking up when they pop into Ikea. The day ended with a slice of gateau from Patisserie Valerie. Perfect.
Three - Gabrielle AplinPrior to being introduced to Gabrielle Aplin a few months ago, I had never heard of her! Yesterday while getting ready for the above mentioned trip, I listened to her album. It is perfection. So beautifully sung with songs that don't irritate or are full of meaninglessness lyrics (this is a recurring theme.) Seriously beautiful, easy listening music.
Four - 37 Days to WarA three part drama series on the good ol' beeb this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Documentaries, historical dramas ... you name it, I love it. 37 Days to War looks at the behind the scenes story of the final weeks before the out break of The First World War. Although being British and obviously attending a British State School, I never learned much to anything on WW1. History lessons tended to focus on the Second World War leaving the first in it's shadow so with a natural curiosity for history and it being the centenary this year, I figured it would be worthwhile to gain a little bit of knowledge on an event which had a huge impact on the world. If this sounds like something you would be interested in GO WATCH! It is a wonderful piece of television.
Five - Going back to brownOne a more self centered - and probably pointless - note, after a couple of weeks living as a red head of sorts the time has come to go back to brown. I love red hair but the washing out stage is not fun and being close-ish to my natural hair color is an easier option for me. Brown hair dye has been purchased now it just needs to be slapped on my head!
Six -erratic glamour make overCurrently erratic glamour is going through a little bit of a make over. Every now and then, the fancy takes me to re-do bits, it just keeps things fresh and interesting. Plus I love playing about with different aspects. Stay tuned for more changes coming soon!