SiWC: The Terroir of Writing

By L.m. Archer @lmarcherml

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by. L.M. Archer, FWS

Today binNotes get personal…about SiWC 2014

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Surrey International Writer’s Conference is held every October in Surrey, B.C., and includes world famous writers Diane Gabaldon, Ann Perry, and Jack Whyte.

" data-lage-file="" data-orig-size="799,219" title="SiWC Logo" data-image-title="SiWC Logo" data-orig-file="" style="width: 587px; height: 161px;" height="161" width="587" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="161" alt="" data-original-width="587" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" /> Surrey International Writer’s Conference is held every October in Surrey, B.C. and attracted world-famous authors such as Diane Gabaldon, Ann Perry, and Jack Whyte.

Surrey International Writer’s Conference is held every October in Surrey, B.C., and includes world famous writers Diane Gabaldon, Ann Perry, and Jack Whyte.

" data-lage-file="" data-orig-size="2592,1936" title="SiWC 2014 Historical Fiction Panel" data-image-title="SiWC 2014 Historical Fiction Panel" data-orig-file="" style="width: 215px; height: 161px;" height="161" width="215" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="161" alt="" data-original-width="215" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.4","credit":"","camera":"iPad mini","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1414165053","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.3","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.041666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" /> SiWC (Surrey International Writer’s Conference) 2014 Historical Fiction Panel included authors Ann Perry and Jack Whyte.

“This Day We Write!” – Rallying cry of SiWC

Is there a terroir of writing?

If so,  then SiWC (Surrey International Writer’s Conference) is my Burgundy.

My writing touchstone.

And, as with terroir, unique in its expression.

A sense of writing place like no other.

Now in its 22nd year, SiWC attracts international best-selling authors like Diane Gabaldon (Outlander series), Ann Perry (William Monk series), and Jack Whyte (Camulod Chronicles Series), all of whom make a point of taking time out of their frenetic schedules to participate in perhaps the most well-regarded writer’s conference in North America.

I first attended SiWC back in the day when I thought writing was a noun, not a verb.

This past weekend I returned behind the scenes, allowing me the luxury of another POV (point of view) not clearly visible while busy sweating through pitches, edits and Surrey Idol (think American Idol, only with one-page stories, not songs.)

From this viewpoint, I caught a glimpse of what I call SiWC’s ‘terroir of writing.’

Its ‘sense of place.’ What makes it unique among writers’ conferences.

I’ll be brief.

SiWC displays world-class graciousness from authors in attendance – all of whom insist on mingling with participants at tables, in workshops, on elevators without handlers or assistants or agents as buffers.

SiWC amuses with typical Canadian unpretentiousness and self-deprecating wit.

Above all, SiWC encourages a camaraderie unlike that of other writing events.

As with all touchstones, SiWC illuminates those hidden crevasses in one’s heart and soul, the way in to any creative journey.

It offers a plumb-line to navigate the darkest night, the deepest fear, the most unfathomed loss of faith.

It bolsters courage, strength, and belief in the creative path less taken – regardless the obstacle.

And so, dear followers – whatever your endeavor..this day we write/grow grapes/make wine!

Learn more about SiWC here.

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Copyrighted 2014. All Rights Reserved. Photo Courtesy the author.

Thank you:

J.L. Oakley

Carolyn D. Anderson, PEO

SiWC’s cast and crew: Kathy Chung, kc dyer,  Jared, Donna, Sandi, Mary Ellen, Ginny, Bernice, Brenda et al.

Candace & Mike Wellman