Ramadan is on the doorstep again and I’m feeling bad for leaving my readers without attention for so long. Thank you all so much for the overwhelming positive feedback (strangely I hardly get any other kind).
While reading my mails I sometimes wonder what if..?
One lady from Australia f.e. is thanking me for showing her the real Islam and is thinking about converting. “..this website – it is informative and it makes Islam a little more understandable for us non Muslims – Contrary to what we are led to believe Islam is obviously a serene and beautiful religion, which is open and welcoming to every one who desires it and one in which women are held in high esteem… Many, many thanks for helping to open my eyes and my heart!”.
I really do wish she will find the right kind of people guiding her to it. More asking questions than giving answers here.
Why is it that people who claim to be Muslims do not act like Muslims should do? Once in a while I hear devote Muslims say that in many ways the real Islam is found more in the modern democracies than in the Islamic world today. Why?!
In a democracy people’s rights are written in law books and there is no way twisting around them. It is their right and they get them, no one is above the other in terms of citizen rights. I am thinking of a letter I got recently from a reader. He was asking me for specific quotes on inheritance matters so he could convince with them quarreling siblings.
A father had died 8 years ago leaving 2 sons and 6 daughters behind . He owned 2 houses and some agricultural land. Until this day the sisters have not got anything from their inheritance and the siblings are not even talking to each other since for that time. One of the brothers claim to be Islamic scholar saying that he has Proof that girls do not have any right to the two houses. And from the agricultural land the sisters did not get any benefit till this day, not to mention any share.
Being a Muslim does just not mean growing a beard, reading the Quran daily and learning some Hadith’s by heart, praying the prayers on the minute, going to Pilgrimage or even giving some Zakah. His fasting in Ramadan is void since he is not talking to his sisters and withholding them their legitimate Islamic rights.
Islam is how you treat your fellow human beings, and actually all living things. The only way to please God is to follow his advice in daily life. He forgives missed prayers and disobedience against Himself in personal lifestyle, but for hurting your next of kin or even next neighbor is not forgiven by trying to do some extra prayers or doing a pilgrimage hoping that small sins will be washed away.
“It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteousness is this that one should believe in God and the last day and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and give away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for (the emancipation of) the captives, and keep up prayer and pay the poorrate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in time of conflicts these are they who are {rue (to themselves) and these are they who guard (against evil). (Quran 2.177)
Unfortunately many believers think that some extra worshiping will wipe away smaller sins. I am very skeptical about that. I have often the feeling that people do the bookkeeping of good and bad deeds by themselves trusting they will balance each other with the goods ones somewhat heavier!
Here is a huge field of work and need of education from the Islamic preachers, who usually stick to routine sermons, do this, do that.. and God is merciful.
Yes, He is wise and merciful, but believers should not do the weighing by themselves. There may be a huge disappointment on the final day of Judgment.
Ramadan kareem, and remember:
“you should not eat your fill while your neighbor is hungry”
With greetings,