...single Gal Chronicles...

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Well, well, well.  It's been an interesting 2-1/2 months.  You see, I've been partaking in an "online" dating service that will remain nameless for now.  And I must say that I am not impressed with my "matches"...
The guys are sweet and nice, yes.  But...  Yes, but.  The way some of these guys "see" themselves versus how they really are...is, ummm quite interesting.  I'm talking on several different levels here.  Yes, I will get into the nitty-gritty details for you - so, definitely stay posted.  I've signed on for a 3 month period and I will be taking a little break of sorts when the period expires.
Dating is a lot of work.  It is almost as though you need a "team" of friends both, women and men, to help you qualify your dates.  And any, I mean any red flags or bad vibes that appear you need to "nip" those in the bud immediately.  I will say that trusting your gut instinct is very, very important.
I, myself, have been honest on my profile of what I am expecting and what I am not.  Well, at least I think I have been.  I might need to include some details in a post for all of you.  Maybe, a little dissection post if you will of my profile.  Honesty is one BIG, HUGE key component in a relationship period.  There is no-negotiation here.  None, whatsoever.  Honesty is key, period.  Right?  Right. 
I'm not enamored with the dating world right now or rather my "selection" to choose from.  But, I am also looking at two different arenas:  the online dating website and my personal haunts (where I frequent to run errands, etc.).  So, it is kind of, sort of, limited - if you know what I mean.  I'm limited here in the Valley of the Sun.
Also, I've noticed that some of these gentlemen don't "accurately" answer the questions...  Come on now, really?!?  It's as though they don't think I'd notice when we communicate online or when/if we meet in-person.  Hello....!!!  Don't have someone else do your profile and "not" change it to be in your "words"...it doesn't work when communicating online.  Also, take the time to answer the questions...it definitely helps when trying to see if you match up.  However, that would be a perfect world.  I'll admit on the computer screen some of these guys look pretty fabulous.  Some I'd love to be "friends" with and hang out, and a select few I'd like to meet and greet to see if a chemistry exists.
I hope I have your attention now.  I've got more to share in the upcoming next few days.  Remember the posts may or may not be out of order and I'd love to get your feedback as well.
Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for stopping by ...this & that...