Single Fashionista’s NYC Survival Guide

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Most girls have a negative outlook on single life. I guess it is hard not to when our Facebook newsfeed is filled with all our friends getting engaged and lovey dovey pics of couples in their very clever matching Halloween costumes.  Let’s not even talk about Instagram pictures of the unexpected flowers with the hashtags (#Suprise #BestBF #LoveHim) .I will admit that I fell into the lovey dovey couple category up until about six months ago. It is in the past, but sorry anyway for the social media blitz that is a 20-something girl in a relationship. Why we cannot contain ourselves is beyond me.

Call me crazy, but I love being single and always have. I bond more with my friends. I go out more. I meet more new people. I am more focused on my blog and career. Most importantly,  I am not in the bubble that is me and you just us two.  On top of that, I live 15 minute out of the best city in the world. When you live in or around New York City the single life can be pretty amazing if you let it be. We’re fashionable, we’re beautiful, and the world is our oyster. Here is a survival guide to New York City from a fashionista’s perspective.

  1. Hang out with like minded individuals
    What do I mean when I say like minded individuals? I mean if you are the type of girl who likes to go to NYC hot spots that is going to be hard to do if you only hang out with girls who like “low-key” nights (or vice versa).  I am not saying ditch those friends and find new ones. I am just saying expand your friend circle and add in the friends that like to do the same thing you like to do. This way, when the mood strikes and you want to go out  you have some friends to come along with you.
  2. Do Brunch
    Brunch is the perfect time to bond with your girls. Tasty mimosas, breakfast/ lunch options, and gossip. It is a girl’s dream. The best part is that it is a perfectly acceptable reason to drink a champagne cocktail in the middle of the day. What more can you ask for?
  3. Do not buy a new outfit every time you go out
    I know it is tempting and it at times it seems necessary, but really put the Visa or Amex down! The key is to shop smart so that your going out clothes can be worn more than one time. I am more likely to buy a skirt, shorts, or pants than I am to buy to a dress. Why? Because I practice what I preach when it comes to affordable fashion of course! Anything you can only wear one time is a waste of money.Dresses are memorable, which unfortunately is more of a bad than good thing. You wear them once and people remember. Also, thanks to social media there is a constant reminder that the dress has been worn. You will need to wait at least a couple months  before wearing said dress again.When you are single you go out a lot. There are never those weekends where “we” are staying in. Every Saturday is girls night out. So, you need to make sure to buy clothing that is interchangeable. Every girl needs five staples in her going out wardrobe and it goes as follows: a good pair of black jeans, a neutral colored bodycon skirt, a solid colored crop top, a little black dress, and a statement necklace. You buy the occasional fill in to change up the look and you will have the look of a new outfit every time you go out without the cost of doing so!
  4. Master your daytime and nighttime beauty looks
    Let me first say that these two looks should be different! Personally, for work I will wear eyeliner, mascara, blush,  and lip gloss or lipstick. On a night out I typically change it up by adding a smokey eye to my look. Go within your own comfort zone, but find a way to differentiate the two.I am strong believer in looking presentable and well put together in every situation, but this rings especially true in the city. There is no off button, every day you need to bring it 100 percent with your appearance. Never slip and never let yourself go.
  5. Treat yourself to a manicure once a week and DIY in between
    Manicures are a relaxing break from a hectic life. For thirty minutes or so, all your cares go away and it is just you, your manicurist, and that hot OPI color you have been dying to try. Due to the fact that manicures have a short shelf life and last about three days maximum, when the polish chips, take it off and re-do it yourself. I hate painting my nails and I know it is a bit a pain to stop and do it, but do not walk around with chipped nails. I will admit I do it sometimes, but I hate myself for it every time. It just looks so sloppy! We all just need push past the laziness because a manicure is an essential part of having a polished look day or night,
  6. Roll up flats….get a pair!
    This is an invention straight from the heavens! The city requires a lot of walking. For most girls on a Saturday night that means walking in heels. It is all fun and games at the start of the night, but shake and shimmy a little too much and you will feel like you want to be carried out because the pain is so severe. So here is my tip. Invest in a pair of these. Wear them until you are just about to arrive at the venue and then change into your heels. Do not put on the high heels until you absolutely need to. Then when you leave, change back into those flats and give your feet sweet relief. I would say these are a necessity for any girl that goes out a lot  and as I previously mentioned the single gals tend to be those girls.**CLICK THE PICTURE TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET A PAIR**
  7. Date
    Lastly, I know this seems obvious, but the one of the most fun parts of being single in New York City is dating. You should be going out on dates regularly.  Yes, there are dry spells at times,  but a lot of the time girls get in their own way by being too picky (myself included). So, do not rule a guy out because he does not check every item off your list. Go on as many dates as you can. It is an opportunity to meet new people and see new things. Do not date in the hopes of getting a boyfriend or finding love.Searching for love is like looking for that lost earring in your bedroom. You turn your entire bedroom upside trying to find it with no luck and then one day when you happen to be looking under your bed for something else there is the lost earring. You cannot look for love, it sneaks up on you. So stop searching! The average 20-something guy is not looking for something serious. So, he definitely does not want a crazy girl who assumes every good first date is going to turn into a relationship. Relax and go with the flow. It will  eventually go in your favor and you will have peace of mind.

With my best friends, a full social calendar, and a fashionable wardrobe I am absolutely content and you should be too single fashionistas! Hope you liked my survival guide!

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