Single Fashionista’s Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

In my life, I have had a valentine on Valentine’s Day four times (two of which with the same boyfriend). Is it really all it’s cracked up to be? I personally do not think so.

My first valentine was my high school boyfriend. It was the say “I love you” in two weeks, break up in two months type relationship. Of all my valentines, he is ironically the only one who really got it right. He got me chocolate (Snickers because that is the only type of chocolate I like). Then, he sent me a rose through the rose delivery my high school did every year to benefit some after school club.  Like clockwork in fifth period, I got my rose with a card that read “Happy Valentine’s Day babe! I love you!”. Sadly, our true love did not last. I dumped him in a Chinese restaurant two weeks later.

My next valentine was a guy I dated my sophomore and early part of junior year of college. It was a match made in heaven. He was a inconsiderate jerk. I was a psycho. It was awesome. Our relationship was long distance, so we could not spend the actual day together. I sent him a card. He sent me nothing. I am pretty sure all I got that day was a “Happy Valentine’s Day!” on my Facebook wall. We lasted another drama filled seven months of pure bliss (a.k.a. tears, screaming matches, and a lot of hang ups).

Two years in a row, I had the same Valentine (my last boyfriend). On our first Valentine’s Day I bought him chocolate he mentioned that he liked, wrote out a sweet card, and even picked out a cute button up for him. He got me nothing. Realizing he dropped the ball, when he went out to pick up food, he got me white bear holding a heart that said “I Love You” and a fake rose. It is the thought that counts, right?

On our next Valentine’s Day, he sent me roses with a card that read “Happy Valentine’s Day Baby”. It definitely did not compare to the heartfelt card I gave him, but hey once again it is the thought that counts. Then again, we broke up two months later, so maybe that explains why the card was so cold?

After spending four Valentine’s Days with a significant other all I see is wasted money and emotion. This is not to say that if the day is spent with a person you truly and deeply love it cannot be special and romantic, but I do not see the point in getting down on yourself for being single on the day of love. Ladies, we put way too much stock in it.

Here is how to survive the barrage lovey dovey couples of Valentine’s Day:

  1. Buy a cute outfit
    I do not typically endorse shopping away your feelings, but no girl can deny how amazing she feels strutting down the street in a stylish new outfit.
  2. Make plans with your other single girlfriends
    Staying at home on Valentine’s Day to escape the day is no way to go about it. Go out, have a drink, and dance a little. No need to wallow. It is really not that big of a deal. Also, there is an added perk. Have you ever thought a guy was cute at the bar then you realize he has girlfriend. Well,  any guy who is out on Valentine’s Day is almost always single… or the worst boyfriend ever. Let’s hope it is not the latter though. So, go out and have fun! Before you know it will be February 15th.
  3. Skip the following Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram updates:

The haha I’m single and going to make fun of it post

Happy Single Awareness Day!

The  I’m single, but I could care less post

I don’t even care that I don’t have a valentine…single and doing me!

The I’m single and pathetic post

All my friends are engaged and I don’t even have a boyfriend! I hate Valentine’s Day! Why am I alone?!

Instead of letting everyone on your timeline know your relationship status (or lack thereof) make the best of the day.

Embrace the single life fashionistas! It is only as bad as you make it!