Singing to Our Almighty Father

By Mba @mbartoloabela

We love Him, we pray to Him, we complain and gripe endlessly to Him. We ask Him for help in many of our daily situations. But how many of us actually sing to God our Father, out of heartfelt love for Him? Our Almighty and tender Father loves hearing us sing softly to Him; praising and worshiping Him, telling Him of our love for Him, with the wholeness of our hearts. Moreover, we do not even need to do this externally or need others to do it, for we can sing lovingly and effectively to Him in the depths of our hearts, without anyone other than our Father knowing that we are singing to Him.

Yet how many of us actually give our Father such tender delight: a delight that both touches directly the Core of His Divine Heart and brings joy and happiness to us? Singing in this manner to our Father is a delight analogous to that of a baby crooning simply, softly and happily in unconscious thanksgiving to its parents, for being cherished and lovingly nurtured by them.