Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Review

Posted on the 14 January 2017 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are the stars for a studio and the silent pictures they make. But the transition to talking pictures after the success of The Jazz Singer is about to throw everything into chaos when Lina’s voice both talking and for singing is horrendous.

Don has worked very hard along with his best friend Cosmo to try to make it in show business, they are both very talent singers and dancers. Which we are shown constantly throughout the film and it is well just great!

Often regarded as one of the best musicals of all time and very rightly so, everything about this film is just fantastic. It gets better each time you watch it and every single musical number you think is your favorite. It really is special and shows just how powerful singing and dancing can be within a film. I love musicals and may just be slightly biased towards this one but I will openly admit that I have not watched it that many times, but I easily could watch it over and over without getting bored.

Don cannot really stand Lina and the papers/gossip columns claim they are an off-screen couple as well as on-screen pair. Nothing can be further from the truth for Don, but Lina thinks otherwise. When Kathy comes into his life nothing will be the same again for Don. She is fantastic and can also sing, dance and act.

Everything moves along very swiftly in the film with plenty of toe tapping musical numbers with some incredible dance sequences. Something I really do love. Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor are just amazing together, both look like they are having so much fun. Pulling out incredible dance moves, and my personal favorite style tap dancing. Honestly what is it about that? The movement, the noise the passion all thrown together to create something so special.

While the title song ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ is truly fantastic I have such a soft spot for ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Make ’em laugh’ but really every song is great. Mixed in with fantastic routines. I certainly wouldn’t be able to pick out a weak song at all, they all work so very well within the story and make you want to break out into song as well.

Debbie Reynolds in her big breakthrough role really does look so at home singing and dancing and not out-of-place with Kelly and O’Donnell. A fantastic trio that you really do just love together. As their characters come up with a plan to save Don’s first talking picture, with Kathy’s voice being used. The final scene really is both hilarious and makes you feel very happy.

That is certainly the thing with this film it really is such a feel good story, with the songs and dancing. I don’t feel like I can even mention all of that enough. This film deserves to still be watched and played over and over again. I really would love to see it on the big screen one day that would be totally fantastic.

So if you have never seen this film before I really do demand that you stop what you are doing and go watch it right now! Honestly you will not regret it, certainly should be not only a musical everyone watches but a film as well.