Singer Prince And Society’s Veneration

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

The radio station is still continuing to celebrate The Purple Man’s life throughout the weekend since his birthday was yesterday.

People keep reminding the public that Prince didn’t celebrate his birthday because he was a Jehovah’s Witness. One female dee jay even praised Prince for having had to receive a sort of enlightenment from “above” for the instance.

I was twelve years old when I stopped celebrating my birthday and I was born with a Caul/Veil. I became a vegetarian at that age also, and I knew what life was all about back then as I avoided partaking in the so called “worldly things” of society as I had no desire to, and I’m forty-four now and have so much peace.

Many of us have already experienced revelations, have known things, and have lived accordingly to our spiritual alignments far before mainstream society became aware or fully aware of particular things, before the media reported findings or developments of certain things, and before many famous people came to know and incorporate circumstances into their own lives, yet because these people are in the limelight they receive special credit when all along there were people like us at earlier stages within our lives who were the ones to make the same discoveries.

I am not at all knocking Prince, nevertheless, I also have to mention that if Prince was a woman he would not be receiving all of this favorable attention and celebration as he had once lived a scandalous lifestyle. As sexually promiscuous and provocative as Prince was during his early days on up to the point where it eventually haunted him he would never have gotten so far with approval.

Of course, he had haters and those who weren’t fans of his just like others because everyone has their own preferences and taste, however, if Prince was female he would have been called every derogatory name in the book, and considered unacceptable to be revered in such a positive way for his talents and achievements.

If a woman behaved in the manner in which Prince did the instance would not have literally taken anything from her. She’d still have all of her faculties whether mental or physical but with the ridiculous double standard all her value would have just been focused on how many times she used her vagina and with how many different men.

To me, there is no difference because I am realistic. It is not always what someone does it is why they do what they do that justifies or excuses the situation.

I don’t care what anyone does with their body as it is of no concern to me, though, a man, in my opinion, who has many sexual escapades and encounters is not someone that is projected as maintaining his worth in comparison to a woman who is suppose to lose her’s within my eyes.

I am one who never went along with society’s bullshit and what is deemed as acceptable or appropriate.

This society is in no position and does not have the knowledge or authority to define what it is to be a woman and what contributes to her value and worth as only an individual within her own is able to define her own true identity.– miss latoya