Singapore, Hong Kong and Other Hypercapitalist Societies as “IQ-Shredders”

Posted on the 25 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

Interesting argument.

It’s coming from the Alt Right, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or even necessarily bad. This guy seems to be more part of the HBD/Moldbug/Mangan’s part of the Alt Right, which is often not White nationalist at all. It is interesting that a lot of HBD’ers are not White nationalists or even all that pro-White. This shows that the Alt Right is not all a bunch of Nazis, though that’s mostly what it is. There’s also the Manosphere, the Game/PUA community, antifeminists, etc.

These groupings are often not racist or even racial at all, and many of them, especially the antifeminists, are explicitly multiracial. They never used to be even racist at all until this moron named Roissy/Heartiste starting turning Alt Right and Libertarian on us. He’s always an asshole, but I tolerate his assholeyness better when he’s writing about Game than when he’s writing about economics and race. A bunch of Heartiste’s even more idiotic followers then started imitating him like the bunch of monkeys they are. Just more idiocy and foolishness.

That said, this IQ shredder argument for hypercapitalist societies is an interesting. It’s like hypercapitalism destroys all the HBD values that these reactionaries have and results in more of the dysgenics that they decry so much.