Singapore High School Fees and Best Schools in the Country

Posted on the 03 March 2022 by Global Indian International School @Global_Schools

Many reputable international schools are located in Singapore, offering a wide range of academic curriculums worldwide. These schools strive to support students’ overall development of strengths and social skills in collaboration with public schools. Several international schools offer multiple curriculums to cater to the needs of their students. 

Here is the fee schedule for established international high school in Singapore:

Name of the School High School Fees  (Annually) in Singapore Dollars

Global Indian International School Singapore7,703 – 7,825

Hillside World Academy 29,655-31,590

ISS International School Singapore35,524 

Chatsworth International School 31,209-34,551

Dover Court International School 28,845 – 30,000

There are different international schools fees listed for each school, which may exclude uniforms, fee protection schemes, student insurance, transport, exams, canteens, field trips, assessments, co-curricular activities, course materials, and ad hoc fees. Also, ensure that the fee includes GST (7%) or not.

Nowadays, some leading Singaporean international schools even offer ‘hybrid’ curricula for parents who prefer to keep their options open. This means some schools teach elements of two curricula simultaneously to the same class. Furthermore, it is usually accomplished by teaching an international curriculum and a national curriculum concurrently.

All in all, Singapore is a widely known multicultural city with an extensive ex-pat community, so you will find a wide selection of international schools. Hence, you can find an International Baccalaureate, European, American, Indian, Australian, or Japanese education here, no matter what your child wants. So, choose the school that best suits your child’s educational expectations. 

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