Simply Be Boombands Dress

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Hello and happy Wednesday to you all!!
Now unless you have been living under a rock then you will most probably come across the three Blogger Takeover Dresses from Simply Be. I admit I am a bit late to the party as they have been around for awhile now and I have no idea why I didn't get one of them sooner- but I digress!
I loved all three but the one that really stood out to me was Em Boombands Peacock Dress. I saw the lovely Becky from Does My Blog Make Me Look Fat wearing it at Plus North and then last week the lovely Leah from Just Me Leah did a post about what she had worn on holiday and this was the dress she featured, they both looked amazing so I decided that dress needed to be mine!!
It only arrived this morning about 20 minutes before I was due to go to work, so I whipped off the dress I was already wearing tried it on, fell in love and then wore it to work!


This is the dress as I wore it today, I just added my New Look Brogues and Fatshion necklace.
I love the fit of the dress it nips in under my boobs and skims over my tummy whilst allowing enough room for my top half, the only area of concern I had was my cleavage as I am quite busty and I felt when I sat down I was tugging at the dress to pull it up as  I didn't want to much cleavage as I was at work. I think this could be solved with either a vest underneath or a different bra as I had a plunge bra on.
Overall I love this dress, the peacock print is really vibrant and would make you stand out and the ladies who work in the office with me loved it.
As a little update the fabulous Vicky at The Curved Opinion has also just reviewed this dress and she looks amazing in it I urge you to go and have a peek!!
If you fancy giving this dress a try it is still available at Simply Be .
Have you tried any of the Blogger takeover dresses?