Simplified Sustainable Living

By Urbanbushwoman @urbanbushwoman9

I finally got my girlfriend to come all the way from the exotic land of Long Reach to tutor me on gardening. She has a green hand, wrist and arm as opposed to a thumb and keeps a very bountiful garden plot going at that garden spot over on Oakland Mills Road (the real name of that place escapes me now). Turns out this gardening thing is pretty simple to start.

As a health writer, it almost my birthright to try my hand at growing my own food. Even if everything rots on me at least i can say with confidence that i understand a little something about the process. Long before Mrs. O made gardening en-vogue again, my grandmother and her husband used to keep a small garden on the roof of their apartment building in DC. Then when they moved to a house, they kept it going. I didn’t understand what the big deal was as a child but I totally do now.

Anyway, my girl brought these little disks over along with some seeds for basil, thyme, mint, cumin, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, tomato, and sweet peppers. I hope to have some banging salad ingredients when it’s all said and done. Once this process gets going well I will transfer these babies to my deck in a container. I gotta get some kind fencing though. I don’t need any little ‘visitors’ having a buffet free of charge.

We poured very hot water on these disks and POOF!! They plump up like magic!! So cool!!

We used a salad container that I just so happen to have from the salad bar and created this very convenient terrarium. Now I will await the rise of seedlings. When they start popping up, I’ll transfer them to the deck.

Fantastic!!! People make sustainable living sound so big and humdrum when really it all starts with a seed for this Urban Bushwoman.

Thanks for reading!!