Simplee Aloe Review *

By Yummei @yummmei
It's no secret that if you're Asian, you probably love a bit of the old Aloe Vera juice.
So, the kind folk from Simplee Aloe, sent me some of their Aloe juice to try.
Simplee Aloe is an all natural refreshing drink made from Aloe Vera and real fruit juice, it also has no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.
Since I have been trying to change up my diet, and eat cleaner to get in shape for the summer, I was excited to try this new Aloe Vera drink.
I was sent 2 different flavours: 1) Grape & lemon 2)Apple and mango.

With so many health and beauty fads, it's hard to know which one's are actually beneficial.
When I was younger, my mom used to grow a lot of Aloe Vera in pots all around the house.
You couldn't walk into a room without seeing their spikey leaves poking out of various ceramics.
Whenever I used to get sunburnt or accidentally burn myself with the iron (I was a serious day-dreamer when I was forced to do chores) my mom would break off one of the leaves and smother the cool aloe vera jelly all over me. Or my mom would blend the aloe vera jelly with ice and fresh fruit for a treat if I had been good (i.e. didn't climb over the fences and act like such a tomboy).
So, I have always known that aloe vera was a particularly super food, with both health and beauty benefits.
Mama knows best right.

I sent Mochi to investigate what the actual benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice were.
Here is what he found...
7 Reasons benefits of drinking aloe vera juice
1) Boosts the immune system
Research has found that aloe vera juice contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that can aid the immune system that can help to cleanse the body of toxins and invading pathogens. Furthermore, aloe vera juice can help to balance the immune system to reduce the effects of seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory immune disorders.
2) Detoxify
Aloe vera juice is full of amino acids, vitamins and minerals making it a natural cleanser. It can help to strengthen digestion and rid the body of toxins.
3) Improves digestive tract and reduces irritation
Aloe vera has cooling, soothing and hydrating properties which can aid in reducing inflammatory and digestive problems.

4) Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
Medical studies have shown that beta sitosterol can bring high cholesterol levels in the blood under control, as it stops cholesterol absorption in the body.
5) Increase vitamin and mineral intake
Aloe vera juice typically contains vitamins A, C, E a contingent of B (including B1, B2, B3, B6, & B12), folic acid and choline. It has over 20 different minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, selenium and iron. It also contains fatty acids and 8 essential amino acids.
6) Hydrates the body
Aloe vera is used in a magnitude of topical solutions to treat skin conditions. It also works as a moisturiser and has anti-aging properties to keep your skin looking young and fresh. Drinking aloe vera juice, can keep you hydrated and aids in replenishing old cells and regeneration.
7) Combats acne, blemishes on the skin and improves hair growth
Aloe vera juice and it's gel supply vitamins and nutrients to your body and can combat acne and blemishes.
 Drinking aloe juice can help keep the pH balance in the correct range and to boost growth and helps to retain moisture. Applying the liquid to the scalp can also clear the dead skin clogging the pores, and removes sebum which can lead to baldness.
Convinced? Not yet..?
It's all about the taste right? Let's find out!

Taste Test
1) Grape & lemon
2) Apple and mango
Aloe vera typically doesn't really taste like anything, so it has been flavoured with real fruit juice by Simplee Aloe for added flavor.
Out of the two flavours, I liked the grape and lemon one the best.
You NEED to drink this ice cold though, as the flavor is very subtle from the fruit not to detract away from the aloe juice.
I'm used to having the jelly from the aloe vera juice in my drinks, so was missing that texture.

Overall I give it 7/10 YUMMEI's