Simple Workouts to Have a Great Back

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Health_news

Every woman dreams of a nice toned body and wants to show off her sex appeal with her flaunting curves. Additionally, a nice back is a great asset of every woman. A woman that looks best in her sultry figure needs to maintain her figure and have a perfect posture. If you are a person who wants to flaunt her curves, then it is time to find more about workouts that help in getting the best arms, ABS, chest, shoulders and back.

Some of the exercises are proven to be the best for a great back and one should practice them. The list gives most of the attention to the most important body part as they are an essential part of the system. Neglecting them can lead to severe back issues and pain.

  • Dumbbell Rows – This one is the most undisputed exercise one can ever do. Dumbbell Rows can be a surprise for most of us, but they have proved to be the best and effective. The work towards building a great back and function toward the strength and development of our back muscles.
  • Standing Pull downs – This exercise has a lot of advantages and the results can be seen with continuous efforts. This exercise alone will not be so beneficial and it has to be combined with some other exercise. A combination of standing pull downs can be done with heavy weights.
  • Seated Cable Rows – This has been a very stable exercise in the list. Seated cable rows focus on the lower back, hips and the abdomen. It works great on the back muscles, but shows great results in the mid and lower back muscles.
  • Upright Rows – There are a lot of variations when it comes to upright rows. The best form of upright rows is the hammer with the plates. They help a lot in activating the back muscles.
  • Lateral Pull downs – This is the most popular exercise among all and it has been managed to beat the dumbbell rows. It helps a long way in building the back muscles and feels the tension.
  • Dead lifts – ‘Dead lifts’ is certainly not the best exercise but it is very beneficial for the back. It remains one of the best exercises which increases the strength and stabilization of the back.
  • Pull Ups – The undisputed king of the fitness world is the pull ups. People can do it with many styles, but the right posture of doing the pull ups is the grip using your own body weight and one can try adding weight if possible. It activates the belly and back muscles and tones your back muscles. Pull Ups can be called as the king of all exercises.

Neglecting certain muscles in the body and focusing on a few of them can create an imbalance in the body shape. One can try a combination of all exercises concentrating on more exercises that focus on the back muscles. Poor posture can also lead to some more health issues.

Make a blend of exercises that works great on the entire body. Follow above tips and consult an expert and your consistency and efforts will surely make you have a perfect flaunting back.