Simple Salmon and Egg Salad

By Ally @allykitchen

There are soooooooooooooo many reasons you need to make this simple salmon and egg salad. First of all, it's a no brainer. Totally simple. Requires little or no cooking skills. And, I'm walking you through it. Secondly, this is like a fail safe way to pan sear salmon and have your finished meat moist and translucent inside. Now if you like it well done, just cook a little longer. And, make sure you're adjusting your cooking time to the thickness of the salmon you've bought. That's why I always try to find salmon filet that are at least about almost two inches thick in the centermost parts. And, my directions for this recipe assume this aspect of the salmon.

Now in this recipe, you're going to use packaged bleu cheese dressing, but this isn't just any ol' dressing. It's Bolthouse Farms and you'll find it in the refrigerated section at your grocery store. Why's it so great. One thing, you can easily find it even at WalMart and Target, the ubiquitous big boxes in America. Other reasons: it's made with yogurt, no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, gluten free, only 35 calories per tablespoon, 85%less fat and 78% few calories than typical bleu cheese that can have almost as much fat as a Big Mac! And, this yogurt bleu comes with all the flavor and what you expect! Plus, it's a nice complement to the greens, salmon and egg. And, who doesn't want to save some time when we have access to excellent products.

This dish comes together so simply yet so elegantly. Serve it for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. Cook extra salmon for dinner and save the rest for this recipe the next day. You'll just feel like you're doing what's good for your body when you're eating this dish. And, oh, yeah, it's low gylcemic, low cholesterol, low everything and that's a good thing! xox ~ally


  • Cooking spray
  • 1 (3/4 lb.) salmon filet, skin on, thick in the middle, about 1 ½ to 1 ¾ inches
  • 1 tsp. sea salt, divided
  • 1 tsp. coarse ground pepper, divided
  • 4 cups mixed fresh greens, spinach, arugula, baby kale, etc.
  • 4 Tbl. Bolthouse Yogurt Bleu Cheese Dressing
  • 2 eggs, large, organic

