Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman’s Love Story

Posted on the 27 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

America has talent guru Simon Cowell has never been shy to go after what he wants. We all remember her bold and daring comments from the start American Idol years old, right?

During his television debut, the 60-year-old music and television tycoon considered himself a man. But in 2009, Simon would have started dating his current girlfriend, Lauren Silverman.

How Simon met Lauren

He first met her at the Sandy Lane complex in Barbados in 2004 while she was on vacation with her then husband, a real estate tycoon. Andrew Silverman. Simon and Andrew launched it and, according to sources, Simon laid eyes on Lauren very early.

However, Simon continued to date other women, including an entertainment reporter. Terri Seymour and makeup artist Mezhgan Hussainy. He was engaged to Mezhgan from 2010 to 2011, but then said it was "a big mistake". Ouch.

After two failed relationships, Simon returned to someone who put him at ease - Lauren, a 42-year-old socialite in New York.

Things get outrageous

Even though she was married, Simon and Lauren secretly started dating. However, when Lauren became pregnant in 2013, the couple were forced to make their relationship public.

Shortly thereafter, her husband filed for divorce on misconduct, citing adultery as the main reason. Andrew and Lauren finalized their divorce in November of the same year. In the divorce settlement, there was a strict stipulation that lasted until January 2015, which stipulated that Simon should stay away from the couple's son, Adam, or incur a penalty of $ 50,000.

An heir was born

Lauren gave birth to their son Eric - named after Simon's father - on February 14, 2014. Fatherhood softened Simon. "People ask me if I have changed since I had Eric and of course you do, you can't help it," he said. Daily Mail. But the big life change was not easy for the couple. "During the first eight or nine months, I thought," I don't think he likes me very much. It reminds me of when I was younger because he knows how to try it and how to get by, "he said. Entertainment tonight.

At the moment, he says that the couple does not dismiss baby # 2. "I had a brother when I was younger, so I think it's pretty cool to have two", a- he explained to Extra. "Well, two or three."

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Either way, he hopes his son will one day take over his business. "I think it is [his son] probably the best incentive I have ever had to keep everything running as smoothly as possible over the next few years, "he told Extra.

Although exciting, Eric's birth was overshadowed by the story that started it all. "It's not something I'm proud of or wanted to do to hurt anyone. It just happened," said Simon. The mirror. In recent years, it has been reported that Simon and Lauren's ex, Andrew, has buried the hatchet. What is done is done.

The future

Now, all eyes are on the loving couple as they continue to this day. Are wedding bells in their future? On an episode of England has an incredible talent in May 2018, Simon responded timidly to the call of his judge colleague for a romantic proposal. Well, their answer says it all:

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Time will tell if the musical executor spills even more details on his girlfriend in the 15th season of America has talent this summer.

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