Directed by: David O. Russell★★★★★Silver Linings Playbook is a quirky Rom-Com-Drama starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence as two dysfunctional, mentally unstable people with unfortunate pasts who come together to help each other. Robert De Niro stars as Pat Sr., the mildly OCD, and gambling addicted father of Pat (Bradley Cooper), who at the beginning of the film has just been released from a mental institution. The film follows Pat and how he deals with his release, his mental health and the separation from his wife, and his relationship with Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). The talented De Niro always delivers a faultless performance, and this film is no exception. The audience feel sympathy for Pat Sr., as he obsesses over football, and trying to get his son to watch the games with him; there is one particularly emotional scene with Pat and Pat Sr. that even bought a tear to my eye. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence also deliver flawless performances, the unlikely pair has great chemistry and both play the part of a mentally unstable person well. Cooper successfully portrays the confusion, hysteria, mania and elation experienced by a Bi-Polar patient. Lawrence has successfully transitioned from Teen roles such as The Hunger Games and X-Men: First Class, into the role of a woman. Unlike actors such as Daniel Radcliffe, who awkwardly went from Harry Potter to The Woman in Black, Lawrence is certainly believable as a character in her mid-twenties.David O. Russell has successful brought to the screen a story a light-hearted, and eccentric film that tackles an often under-played topic; mental health problems, in an entertaining way whilst delivering laughs. The use of recognisable actors and popular songs in the soundtrack make this cute story into a blockbuster.The narrative arc of the film is a little predictable – but it doesn’t matter. I enjoyed the film so much; I haven’t seen a film like it; the characters, the issues tackled, the way it was filmed. The camera shots are really different – I loved the use of POV shots throughout the film, especially when Pat and Tiffany are dancing.The motif throughout the film of Pat and Tiffany running together which features at the beginning of the film and right at the end, and the fact that Pat runs in a bin bag add originality to the film. The motif of them running also adds closure to the film as at the end Pat finally catches up to Tiffany, literally as he is chasing her, and figuratively in that he realises what she has known all along.Silver Linings Playbook is one of the best films I’ve seen this year, and it’s not surprising that this film is critically acclaimed. It’s not a generic Rom-Com or Drama, and you definitely won’t walk away disappointedly thinking ‘I’ve seen a film just like that’. It feels like an indie film but deserves its spot on the silver screen; I’d absolutely think it’s worth a watch, even if this is not the type of film you usually choose.If you enjoy this film I recommend: Garden State (2004), Little Miss Sunshine (2006) and The Burning Plain (2008)
Directed by: David O. Russell★★★★★Silver Linings Playbook is a quirky Rom-Com-Drama starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence as two dysfunctional, mentally unstable people with unfortunate pasts who come together to help each other. Robert De Niro stars as Pat Sr., the mildly OCD, and gambling addicted father of Pat (Bradley Cooper), who at the beginning of the film has just been released from a mental institution. The film follows Pat and how he deals with his release, his mental health and the separation from his wife, and his relationship with Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence). The talented De Niro always delivers a faultless performance, and this film is no exception. The audience feel sympathy for Pat Sr., as he obsesses over football, and trying to get his son to watch the games with him; there is one particularly emotional scene with Pat and Pat Sr. that even bought a tear to my eye. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence also deliver flawless performances, the unlikely pair has great chemistry and both play the part of a mentally unstable person well. Cooper successfully portrays the confusion, hysteria, mania and elation experienced by a Bi-Polar patient. Lawrence has successfully transitioned from Teen roles such as The Hunger Games and X-Men: First Class, into the role of a woman. Unlike actors such as Daniel Radcliffe, who awkwardly went from Harry Potter to The Woman in Black, Lawrence is certainly believable as a character in her mid-twenties.David O. Russell has successful brought to the screen a story a light-hearted, and eccentric film that tackles an often under-played topic; mental health problems, in an entertaining way whilst delivering laughs. The use of recognisable actors and popular songs in the soundtrack make this cute story into a blockbuster.The narrative arc of the film is a little predictable – but it doesn’t matter. I enjoyed the film so much; I haven’t seen a film like it; the characters, the issues tackled, the way it was filmed. The camera shots are really different – I loved the use of POV shots throughout the film, especially when Pat and Tiffany are dancing.The motif throughout the film of Pat and Tiffany running together which features at the beginning of the film and right at the end, and the fact that Pat runs in a bin bag add originality to the film. The motif of them running also adds closure to the film as at the end Pat finally catches up to Tiffany, literally as he is chasing her, and figuratively in that he realises what she has known all along.Silver Linings Playbook is one of the best films I’ve seen this year, and it’s not surprising that this film is critically acclaimed. It’s not a generic Rom-Com or Drama, and you definitely won’t walk away disappointedly thinking ‘I’ve seen a film just like that’. It feels like an indie film but deserves its spot on the silver screen; I’d absolutely think it’s worth a watch, even if this is not the type of film you usually choose.If you enjoy this film I recommend: Garden State (2004), Little Miss Sunshine (2006) and The Burning Plain (2008)