Here's what I used for the kissing ball:
1. Faux floral garland (about 5 for only 35.75 pesos each)
2. Handy dandy glue stick + glue gun
3. Plastic balls
4. Ribbon
5. Tape
I got the balls at a super cheap price of 35 pesos for a pack of three. They were the perfect size. Now who says you cannot find DIY materials at the toy/kids section? I covered the balls with tape. If the balls you got have color that is close to the faux flowers you have chosen, you can definitely skip this step, but I found that the tape also helps for the glue to stick more because of its not so-smooth-surface.
Set aside the balls and go ahead and get your garland. I love this garland because it has more flowers than the usual ones I see. No leaves, all flowers = bang for the buck! Start by removing all flowers attached to the "vine."
Now hold the flowers by gathering a petals in a bunch and exposing the bottom part. Attach each flower on the ball using your hot glue gun.
Work your way around the center of the ball first then fill the bottom and top part. The space you make between each flower will determine the fullness of your kissing ball. The smaller the space on each flower, the fuller (and I think more beautiful) your kissing ball will be, but keep in mind that you would need more flowers if you do this which means added cost (hehehe).
Leave a small part at the top of your kissing ball bald. Measure the ribbon to desired length then attach it to the ball with hot glue gun. You are now ready to hang you kissing balls! :)
Let me know what you think. Have a great day!