Silent What?!

Posted on the 21 June 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

A craze that has been sweeping the festival scene for the last couple of years is the silent disco and was originally implemented to get round the pesky late night sound rules that prevents many festivals from going through into the late hours. Leeds Festival probably hosts one of the largest in the UK festival scene with over 10,000 people all partying in complete silence. The other benefit to these types of events is that you can push multiple music sources to the same crowd at the same time. There is nothing quite like taking your headphones off and listening to half the crowd singing along to Green Day and the other half getting down to Disclosure.

With silent events becoming more and more mainstream we are seeing them creep into weddings, clubs and even house parties. Check out the video below that Silent Disco Direct and Jack Wills put on in a student house in Newcastle for an idea of what a night it can be like when everything is silent!

If you are in the UK and looking for silent disco hire then there are a number of companies will to supply headphones and transmitters so that you can host your own event right at your house and give your friends a decent party without annoying the neighbours.