Signs You Are Not Coping

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

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Life is not always easy for us all of the time. Sometimes we struggle more than others and may need some extra help or TLC to get back on track. However, often, when we are not coping as well as we should with life, we are the last person to realize it and this delays us from getting the help we need, which means our lives may spiral further out of control.

With that in mind, below are some early warning signs that you might be struggling to cope with one or more challenges in your life:

You always feel angry or on edge

If you are struggling to cope with various aspects of your life, it can result in you feeling constantly angry even if you don’t know why. You will often be quicker to snap at friends, loved ones, and colleagues because you are always on the edge of a nervous breakdown and because you feel frustrated with your own life. Try to explore these feelings and it might reveal exactly what you are struggling with and why.

You are drinking or using drugs much more

Often, when you are struggling to cope with difficult feelings, such as a breakup or life not going as planned, or a difficult situation like a job loss, you will start to drink alcohol and/or experiment with drugs more in a bid to blank out the hard stuff and get you through the day it might work at first, but it will only lead to your habits getting out of control. If you have noticed you are drinking or taking drugs more, then getting help from an organization like  Delphi Health Group and talking to a therapist about better coping skills is a good idea. Oh, and bad habits can be less severe, such as overeating or overexercising, and still be a symptom that you are not coping and trying to block things out.

You are avoiding things 

If you’re avoiding a difficult topic in your life, chances are that is because you do not really know how to process it and you are not coping as well as you should with the situation. When a situation is too stressful or too distressing for us to handle, our brain will try to protect us by blocking it out or distracting us with other things, but eventually, you will need to face whatever is causing you distress, so avoidance is not something you should hold on to, and a good therapist will be able to help you explore the issue in a safe way for you, so do seek the help and support you need.

If you spot any of these key warning signs that you are struggling to cope with various things in your life, be sure to reach out and get some extra support to help you through these tough times in your life. The sooner you do so, the sooner you will start to get your life back on track.

Thank you for reading!