Signal: The Leading Email Tracking Tool

Posted on the 21 July 2014 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

Email tracking is very important these days as email is the most popular communication medium today both for personal and professional conversations. It is very important to ensure whether the email sent from our sent box has reached the recipient’s inbox. With the help of Email tracking tools, one can get notification when his email has been read by the recipient. Email tracking tool is a recommendation in critical projects in Multinationals as sensitive mails are involved which are to be delivered to the client and deadlines are involved. Usage of email tracking tool ensures the successful reception of emails and provides a sense of complete satisfaction. In fact, email tracking is now an important step in software building and delivery. Many email tracking tools are available online; some are free while some are chargeable. Signal is one such popular email tracking tool by Hubspot.

How the Signal tool works?

The Signal tool works for famous mails like Gmail and Outlook. In case of Gmail, the installation procedure is simple and user friendly. It gets installed easily at a much greater speed. After successful installation, it modifies the ‘send’ button in Gmail to make the Signal tracking option as the default one. However, if someone does not want the email to be tracked, he can un-click the tracking. The Signal tool creates a new folder named ‘signals’ in your folders, where the tracked emails reside.

When the tracked email is opened and read by the recipient, a notification pops up in the desktop corner which confirms the successful reception of the email. The tool not only notifies about the opening the reading of email, but also about the links in the message body, which are clicked by the recipient. Thus a successful tracking of email takes place and even a single email is not missed! There may be some case, when you get notified about the forwarding of your sent email. In case of Outlook, the Installation of Signals by Hubspot takes more time as compared to Gmail. It might require a lot of side processes like erasing cookies, closing tabs, signing in and out of Gmail inbox and much more. After all these trials, it finally installs and runs successfully. There is no ‘send’ button in this case, but in Outlook also the tracking is default. Here also, one can go for un-click to disable the tracking of emails. The usage of Signals in Outlook, somewhat beats the receipt-requested functionality already available there.

Why one should go for Signal?

The main reason that one should opt for Signal usage is that, its free version also offers a lot of aforementioned features, which other products offer at a chargeable cost. The downloading is extremely easier and free. One may upgrade the free version to paid version to get much more out of Signals tool. The paid version provides lot more and also delivers integration with Salesforce tool.

This email tracking tool is worth giving a try. More information can be found out by visiting the website and researching over internet.