'Sid And The Cwmhendy Dog Show' - A Light-hearted Tale of a Mischievous Little Jack Russell

By Americymru @americymru
sid and the cwmhendy dog show by tanya l. james front cover detail Sid and the Cwmhendy Dog Show is a warm, funny and timeless story about the adventures of a cute little Jack Russell dog from West Wales.
Sid is a very special little dog with short legs and a curly pig’s tail and his owner, Geraint, loves him to bits. Mum and Dad love him too, but they’re not very happy when he chases his ball through their leeks and daffodils. But it is the day of the Cwmhendy Dog Show and Sid is looking his very best. What can possibly go wrong?

This humorous story of a special friendship between a boy and his pet dog will appeal to animal lovers of all ages. With delightful illustrations by Petra Brown, it is a perfect story for children and grown-ups to share. Inspired by the antics of her own pet dogs, Sid and the Cwmhendy Dog Show is Tanya L. James’s first book. Having worked in education for most of her career, she is passionate about developing literacy in children.

Tanya lives in Whitland with her husband, three sons, three dogs and two cheeky gerbils and she loves going for muddy walks with Sid and his doggy friends, Sophie and Nancy.
Sid and the Cwmhendy Dog Show is available from all good bookshops and online retailers.
For more information, please visit  www.gomer.co.uk