= Scam

By Richard Randall @aude11360

I received this rather strange scam in my yahoo inbox today.
Hey. I ask you to forgive me that I wrote to you without your permission.
I’m a simple guy. My name is Andrew.
I live in Ukraine and we are now in the country is a civil war.
my house is destroyed and the main job for the third month do not pay money.
I have nothing to feed his family. in our country say that Europe and America will not leave us without help.
for me the only way to earn a little money, a job on the Internet.
I found a site with an affiliate program. which promises to pay me money for registration.
I ask you to link myg******** and to register.
on this site there are no Trojans.
if you sign up, you really help a Ukrainian family in a difficult time for us.
thank you very much from me, my son and my wife.
with this letter I send you a picture of my family.