Shut Up + Shop Already!

By Brisdon @shutuprun

You all know how much I love the “Shut Up + Run” mantra. It’s gotten me out the door too many mornings to count and across the finish line of ridiculously hard races.

What you may not know is that the original name of my blog (when I started it in 2009) was “Run With Me.” It took about a week before I knew I needed something stronger, something bossier, something snarkier. “Shut Up + Run” seemed to suit my personality as well as my no-excuse philosophy.

Truthfully (and why I chose the blog name), I got sick of people complaining that they didn’t have the time, energy, motivation, etc. to run. SUAR is a nicer way of saying “shit or get off the pot!” or “stop your bitching and get on with it!”

For me, “shut up and run” has branched out from just running. It has become my approach to many things. It can mean:

Get out of your comfort zone!
Take a risk!
Doing something that terrifies you!
Dream big and go for it!
Live and live large!

I’ve had lots of people ask about Shut Up + Run shirts/merchandise. I used to sell shirts and visors, then got away from that. Honestly it was kind of a pain to take orders and send them out when I had a million other things going on. So…I’ve now found a way to provide the merchandise with none of the pain.

Enter my new shop page:

Basically, you pick your design, your size, your color, your shirt style and you order. The site is maintained by a third party (Family Fan Club), but all logo designs are mine.

By wearing an SUAR shirt you’re not saying you love and support me (although that’s cool) – you are saying you support the Shut Up and Run philosophy of no excuses. Or maybe you want to give one of these shirts as a gift to the person in your life who whines too much. They’ll love you for it!

Shut Up and Run Merchandise Page

So, happy shopping (and FREE first class shipping through Thanksgiving)!