
By Myfilmproject09

Friday morning, I've finished the LA Times and now considering what to do next. I know what I have to do but am lingering, looking for something manual to do, vacuum, clean windows, re-arrange the fridge...
What I'm doing is stretching out the moments of freedom before I have to go to work.  Damn it. 
Bob Fosse, a stage and movie director used to start working by looking in a mirror and saying, "it's showtime".
You might think after over way too many years I would have lost that fear. 
No way. Going to my office to write is just as scary as it was the first day. Maybe even more scary. Maybe I won't be able to write anything. Maybe the story is awful. 
Then - freedom.
A freeway chase happens on the 101 freeway. I'll just watch a few minutes...
... honest.