Show Us Ya Pink Bits
By Desiree68
I can't pinpoint the moment when pink no longer made my heart go pitter-patter.
It may have been the first time I watched open-mouthed, like a stunned mullet, Madonna grinding her way through Lucky Star.
Thirty-odd years later, gorgeous wenches in Bloglandia bombard my eyes with pinky goodness.
I'm carefully dipping my toe back into the land of fairy floss.
Until recently, the closest thing I had to pink clothing were my 1930s peachy nighties, slips and scanties.
Until Helga sent me this glorious 1960s pink nightie last year.
Glory be it's too deliciously frothy to wear in bed, so today was its first outing ... as a frock no less.
Say hello to my pink bits.
Pink nightie - from hornacious Helga
T-shirt - from the glorious Tralala
Sequinned belt - from babelicious blond, Clare
"FREEKY" necklace - custom made by Phussy
Leggings - Black Milk
Johnny Cash earrings - custom made by Create Beautiful Beads
Leather vest, blue granny necklace, pink sunnies - Etsy
Bangles, pink headband and bag - thrifted
Green velvet hair bow - gift from Glitters for Dinner
Docs - Solestruck sale
Rings - craft shops
I have other bits to show you, not all pink, but gifts from absolutely fabulous wenches who have been so very kind.
The first parcel was from the absolutely scrumptious Em of Ivy Black Chat.
She knows my weakness for a particular evil bunny.
The necklaces were made by Dee, one for The Stylist and one for me - love this parcel Em!
In today's mail was a parcel from the absolutely divoooooooon Louise of Princess Prudence Diaries.
She sent me this beautiful blue 1960s dress which I adore ... just a couple of wee adjustments and I'll be looking forward to greeting autumn with this baby.
The badges are for The Stylist and she loves them! I got fab falsies with crowns on them, a bling-bling hip belt, a gorgeous, working vintage watch and lovely jewelry.
What thoughtfulness Louise, thank you so much!
I know, I know, I'm spoilt.
This time by glorious Vanessa of Two Squirrels Vintage, who has recently bought and is settling into an absolutely heavenly old church in Dunedin, NZ.
Circus treasures for a carni bint!
Lily crawled inside the dress and made herself at home.
She was so gentle with it, perhaps she smelled lovely kitty cats?
Just sharpening up my skills with my new training textbook.
Circus frock and vintage glass bead necklace - from the adorable Vanessa
Pink cuff and earrings - from darling Louise
"Anti-Joyce" and "The Insect Circus" badges, sequinned belt - Clare
Giant leopard-print brooch - made by Helga
Headband - DIY, more at my shop Sassy Vamps!
Pink sparkle necklace - from darling Krista
Purple beaded necklace, bangles, DIY'd leather gloves, other brooches - thrifted
Shoes with DIY glitterfication - Camberwell Market, Melbourne
Green skull necklace - craft market
I showed you mine, will you show me your latest goodies?
Have an adventurous weekend wenches!
Desiree xoxo