- it is okay to sometimes ignore things and stop being a control-freak- let your better half take chargeand you relax. Depute chores, set chore-reminder for everyone, take a nap and binge watch your favoring show. It is all allowed.

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- it is okay if your family eats cereals for breakfast. I was always the person who would cook fresh meals for breakfast for which I wouldwake up a little early every morning. I was tired on those days and sooner realized how your body changes with age andsometimes you need to snooze and get some extra minutes of sleep.
- its is okay if your daughter wears mismatched socks under her jeans. Seldom does this happen in my house, but oncein a while it is acceptable and in no way does it make you irresponsible.
- it is okay to leave uncleaned dishes overnight, your hands need some love too.
- it is totally okay if your unfolded laundry sits on the bed for a week or maybe be longer cuz mine is like that. If I don't feel like doing it, I will not do it- simple!
- it is okay if your bed isn't made until bedtime. Mornings can get cray-cray and if I have to head out in the morning too, making the bed is the last thing on my mind. So let that guilt go, no one is watching you.
- it is okay if your daughter misses her after school, extracurricular activities once in a while- you can't be everywhere. It hasn't really happened to us but hubs and I have a mutual understandingthat we will not feel guilty if it ever happens.
- it is okay to take some downtime aka some me-time. I advocate this big time cuz we all need some time off and do-nothing kind of day.
- it is okay to not look put together all the time aka sweatshirts and messy buns are acceptable, but occasionally. Make it all about comfort and ease.
- it is okay to occasionally indulge in a spa or a shopping spree. I am all about the two. There is nothing more relaxing than showing your body and sould some extra love.
- it is okay to have a girls night out or girls night in. I have done late nights with my girlfriends and there is no harm.
- it is okay to let go mean comments and mean people. Trolls are everywhere, so let go and calm down.
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