Show #007

Posted on the 17 November 2012 by Mathandley @mathandley
Quite a noisy show this one, with New York legends Swans, Lunch & Ruin and another track from Khafru.
I think I'm finally finding my own style of presenting: "enthusiastic amateur" but you know what? I'm enjoying it and I'm slowly but surely getting feedback from people other than family and friends, so until Sine FM find something more interesting to fill the midnight spot, I'm going to keep going!
One thing being involved with the station has taught me... There's a lot of great new music out there! This may seem like an odd statement, but I think I've been in a cocoon of my own idea of where good music can be found... mainly in the past... This may have something to do with the fact that I don't venture out much, and only go to gigs once in a blue moon, and I really think I've been missing out on some good stuff!
So, note to self: 2013 New Year's resolution.... get to more gigs!
You, the Night & the Music #007 by You, The Night & The Music on Mixcloud
post script: On listening back, it was a mistake to put the Swans track on. 10+ minute rock dirges do not great radio make! Lesson learned!