Shoveling Snow While Pregnant: Tips and Advice

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

Shoveling Snow While Pregnant: Tips and Advice

Shoveling snow
Anna Hanks, CC BY, via flickr

I completely and utterly went against my own pregnancy advice for winter: I went outside and shoveled snow. 
Yep. That's what I did! I can hear my family and friends yelling at me now...
Really, when you're pregnant, especially when you're 20 or so weeks along, you should not attempt to shovel snow if it isn't necessary. Not only can you slip and fall on ice, you can also pull muscles in your back and abdomen, making your already uncomfortable body much, much more uncomfortable. 
But, hey, I did it anyway at 26 weeks along. My husband was cooking and cleaning, so I offered to go out and clear out the car and around the car so that when the plow came by all of the excess snow would be taken away. I'd rather shovel snow than cook or clean any day! 
My best advice is to have someone else shovel for you: a neighbor, a friend, your spouse/partner, etc. If it's absolutely necessary for you to go out and do it yourself, here are some helpful tips:
  1. Wear shoes or boots with excellent grips or treads. If there's even a hint of ice or slippery slush, you'll want to make sure you're sturdy on your feet. Falling on your bottom or your back hurts (trust me!) and you can seriously injure yourself. 
  2. Wear a belly or back support belt. Give your belly and back support, especially since those are the muscles you want to protect. I wear my belt when shoveling, or when doing any task that requires bending and lifting. It makes all the difference in the world! 
  3. Use a snow shovel with good grips and an ergonomic handle. Having a good shovel with good hand grips is beneficial so your hands are not slipping as you try to push or lift snow. 
  4. Try to push snow instead of lifting and throwing it. If the snow is light enough, try pushing it into a pile instead of lifting and throwing it. Lifting and throwing snow can injure your back, shoulders, and neck if you're not careful. 
  5. Take frequent breaks. Don't try to be a superwoman. Take breaks every ten minutes to give your body a rest. 
  6. Stay hydrated. Even with all of that wet snow around, it's very possible for you to become hydrated. Drink some water every time you take a break to prevent dehydration. 
Be careful out there. It may take you longer to recover from sore muscles when you're pregnant. Stay warm as well! No need to get a cold from being in the snow! 
As for me, time to relax and have some hot cocoa. It's still snowing and the kids want to go out and play, but I'll let the hubby take care of that. 
Enjoy and be safe in the winter wonderland! 

Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.