Should You Lie To A Friend To Prevent Hurting Them?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Should You Lie To A Friend To Prevent Hurting Them? Is the question sent into the blog today from one of our readers.

I’ve got a friend who I love to bits on my Facebook account,  I’ve known him a while now and he trusts me and I trust him.
A while ago he had a bad experience that left him a friend less and deeply devastated after being betrayed.

A few weeks ago I was shown proof through another person that this ex friend had got a new name and was on my friends Facebook account again and this fake account was to purely watch, observe and use the info gathered from it.

My friend has no clue and telling him would make him crazy and possibly other consequences. But not telling him feels like im lying to him and I don’t want to lie.

I don’t want to be the one to unleash the can of worms finding out would cause.

But if my friend finds out I lied and knew about it our friendship could be over as the trust would be gone.

I don’t know what to do?

I believe the ex friend will hurt my friend with his own Facebook page and I cant just let that happen but I cant tell him either. I don’t know which way to turn. Can anyone help?

Should You Lie To A Friend To Prevent Hurting Them?