Should You Keep It Or Bin It?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

In the discussion that goes on on the Evolve Your Style Facebook page, frequently there is talk of whether or not a garment should be kept or let go (to a new home of some sort).

One of the great things about the Evolve program is that it gives you a chance to really assess all your clothes and whether or not you like them, they are comfortable, they are you (still you now, rather than the person you were when you bought them or the person you think you might want to be, or your friend or neighbor who happens to have one like it and they look great in it), they represent who you want to be today and meet your style needs (from the functional to the aesthetic). So when someone wears something that they either haven’t worn in a long time, or never or rarely wear, it’s great to prod them to discover how they really feel in those clothes.

The number of times when I keep asking questions about how the wearer feels about the garment, when they reply, I can tell immediately by the language they use in relation to the garment, and it’s often not until this is pointed out to them, their negative language, that they realize that they really need to let the item leave their life.

Too often people hang onto clothes thinking that if they just had:

  • the right piece to go with it
  • the right place to wear it
  • the day they might feel like wearing it

then the garment will be great.

In my experience, if it fits, but you use negative language around it, then there is something wrong. You are not wearing it for a reason, if you can figure that out it will save you money in the future as you are more aware and analytical about what you buy. If you use words like:

  • fussy
  • complicated
  • too ….. (fill in the blank)
  • uncomfortable
  • boring
  • bland
  • …….. any word that you don’t associate yourself with that you see as negative in some way

If any term pops into your head when you are putting it on and then taking it off again (we all know we’ve had that experience) or when you bypass it time after time as you flick through your wardrobe, then take a moment to consider should it really be in there or is it time to let it go?

What are the negative words that you’ve used about some of your garments that you don’t wear that you now realize are the ones you’re going to let go of?