Should You Invest In Managed WordPress Hosting: Pros And Cons

Posted on the 20 December 2017 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Do you have any plans for shifting your WordPress site to Managed WP hosting? Before going ahead just know the good and bad side of the managed WP hosting.

You need to learn all the feature and advantages of the managed WordPress hosting. There is always pros and cons associated with everything in this universe so here

Has the managed WP hosting. You will not be getting bundles of the limitations associated with the managed WP hosting. But there will be some criteria where it lags down.

Pros of: Managed Hosting for WordPress:

Here we will be looking at the WordPress. But if you think managing WordPress platform is easy then you are absolutely wrong. You have to update the themes and plugins every time. But in managed WP hosting we will have to take care of these things very carefully.

You do not have to worry about the slow performance of your site. As I have told you earlier that each thing has pros and cons associated with it.

Here are the benefits of managed WP hosting are

Being up to date:

If you are updated with the plugins and everything then your WordPress will have better performance. When the update is released you should update it as soon as possible. Update the plugins you are using right now with WordPress.

Before making any upgrade of the plugin they will check the compatibility of the plugin before making an update. You do not have to update your blog but be with update all the time.

Speed Optimization:

The most important thing for your website is the speed at which the sites loaded. Visitors will not prefer the slow loading sites. In case a lot of traffic comes to your site then your site will automatically slow down. But through this, they will do many things to decrease the loading time of your site.

They will try many advanced plugins, they will optimize the speed, and also content delivery networks with some more techniques to make your Update the plugins than ever before.

Also, read:

Most of the managed WP hosting will enable caching at the end of the server, this is ensuring you that you do not have to rely on the caching plugins for the optimization of speed.

You can have CDN to make your site faster but by this, you do not have to use CDN.

Backups: (the most important thing to do)

The possibility is there in every case as if you are doing some improvement for your site then it may take you so long to do so. In case suppose something unfortunate happens and all your data is altered and lost, then what will you do. So before doing this type of work makes sure you have created the back up successfully otherwise you may lose something very important to you.

You can go for some paid services like VaultPress do your backup part. You can restore your data very easily.

Support: ( technical support worth a lot)

In case some issue arises then you will have to contact your technical support of hosting. It will not help you completely because they may not understand the problem completely.

When you will pay for Managed hosting then they will understand the problem easily and will try their best give you a proper solution to the problem. You can go to SiteGround and Kinsta. Both of them will ensure you to give their best services.

Security: (ensures protection)

Sit back and relax because when you will be choosing then these service providers will take care of your data. They will keep your data safe. And also you do not have to worry about terms of Malware and other security issues. They will keep your site safe.

You can choose Bluehost for these types of services and they will keep your site and data safe.

Save Time: ( The most important thing)

In this world, nobody will ever want to waste their time. Same here you do not have to waste hundreds of hours to do these problems because they will handle everything. Every problem related to technicality will be solved by them.

There are many qualities of Managed WP hosting.

Recommended web hosting:

The Drawbacks of Managed WordPress Web Hosting: Cons

Price: (not for everyone)

These WP Managed hosting is for the business WP sites and not for common use. Everyone can not afford that because you have to pay them a good amount to avail their services. It services costs from $30 to $100 per month. It's all depends on the management you need. In case your post goes viral then you have to pay them more.

The basic plan starts with $20 that will allow only a few visitors to your site in a month. And limitation matters you will have to pay them extra if the visitors' limits exceeded.

You can go for their expensive plan to increase the number of users.

You can try:

Suppose in your sites there resides traffic then they will charge you handsome amount of money.

Less Control:

You do not have that much of control over these hosting providers because all the technical problems were handled by them. And they will also have the rights ti decide the updates for your site that denotes you cannot add something new to your site.

Final Thought:
Everything has certain drawbacks but it doesn't mean you will not go for that. If you want a hassle-free blog then you should go with Managed WP hosting. They will provide you plenty of good services. Let me aware of the problems you face I will solve them ASAP. Never hesitate to spend few second in sharing this article with your friends and social media platform.