Should Paid Parking in RBS Be Cancelled?

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Paid parking in central shopping areas throughout Bet Shemesh is about a year old. Shortly after implementation the parking areas were so empty there was concern that businesses would have been negatively impacted as people head to the malls with free parking to do their shopping instead.
A year later, I would say that the stores look pretty busy, mostly normal, on a regular basis, especially later in the week as Shabbos approaches. There is just about always available parking, as people park a bit further away for free, the rental companies are not using the spots and other reasons.
The "Salvation Committee of Merchants" has put out a notice on behalf of business owners in RBS A and RBS B about how the paid park is destroying the local businesses and should be canceled. They call it a "fine". They also only refer to businesses in these Haredi neighborhoods and do not coordinate and cooperate with businesses around the rest of the city.
should paid parking in RBS be cancelled?
So, perhaps my impression of the businesses largely doing ok is wrong. Maybe only a few are struggling, and maybe some are struggling for reasons not related to the parking. As well, many people will prefer indoor air conditioned malls anyway, regardless of the parking, over an outdoor shopping center where one must maneuver in the heat or rain between shops.
Either way, I hope they find a solution, as nobody wants the local businesses to be hurt. I do think trying to get paid parking canceled is basically futile and they should put their efforts elsewhere.
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