Should Older Wedding Experts Just Shut Up?

By Claire

I’d guess the aver­age age of the top ten UK wed­ding blog­gers is at least 30. UK wed­ding mag­a­zine edi­tors… I reckon a bit older. Wed­ding sup­pli­ers — a mas­sive range, from early twen­ties through to retire­ment age in all fields. Which makes all of us wed­ding experts an old bunch!

Wed­ding experts are older than brides and grooms

The aver­age age of UK brides and grooms? We marry at 30 these days, so at least the wed­ding blog­gers (I’ll get my coat) are the right age… just about! (Unless you con­sider wed­ding plan­ning will be done aged 28 & 29!)

Can we really relate to brides and grooms? When we crit­i­cise trends and new ideas, are we wrong? Should we just shut the hell up and lis­ten a bit more?

In the last week alone I’ve read com­ments from wed­ding indus­try insid­ers who don’t like:

  • heads being chopped off in photos
  • brides and grooms in corn fields
  • out­door weddings
  • faded, vin­tage pro­cess­ing on wed­ding photos
  • bridal inspi­ra­tion shoots
  • pho­tos of just wed­ding shoes with legs in
  • lens flare
  • vin­tage every­thing
  • tra­di­tional weddings
  • blog-influenced wed­dings

Which is all well and good. We’re enti­tled to our own opin­ions. But does work­ing in the wed­ding indus­try make us experts? Do we have any right to criticise?

Or per­haps we’re older and wiser? When we choose wed­dings we love to fea­ture in mag­a­zines and on blogs, has expe­ri­ence taught us what’s fab­u­lous? I think we’re get­ting it right, and I like to think I’m choos­ing fan­tas­tic wed­dings to share on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog — but one of my best friends told me this week she’d like to see more nor­mal wed­dings on blogs and in mag­a­zines, so real brides and grooms could relate to them more. I think she has a good point.

I think we oldies should lis­ten a bit more often — yes, by read­ing what brides and grooms share on our UK wed­ding blogs, but also by spend­ing a bit more time on wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers’ blogs — and see­ing the trends which are really hap­pen­ing out­side of what blogs are sharing.

I’ll admit I’m play­ing devil’s advo­cate just a tad here, but might I have a point? Are wed­ding indus­try insid­ers and com­men­ta­tors too old to dic­tate what wed­ding trends should be?!

Do we lis­ten enough to brides and grooms?

Claire, aged 36 and-a-quarter