Should Mums in Receipt of Benefits Be Planning a Child?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

With so much talk of the changes that the government are making in regards to benefits its been a huge topic on my Facebook mums group recently. I asked the question – “Should mums in receipt of benefits be planning a child?” and as you can guess this caused mixed reactions.

I would love to have a controversial reply to add but I can see the argument from both sides of the fence. Why should mums who are working yet would love to have another baby, not be able to do so as they can not afford too, while those mums in receipt of benefits can afford too have a baby. Is it fair?

Is it also fair that mums who are having to claim benefits for whatever reason have to put having a family on hold because of the stigma attached to benefit scrounging mums?

Does a child need a working mum? Or does a mothers love over rule any financial stance?

I am grateful that all mothers who participated in the debate were able to do so in a non judgemental way and were able to express their honest opinions without upsetting others.

Here are some of the replies ….

It depends! My last pregnany was planned, everything was going well till my partner was made redundant when I was 8 months pregnant and had no choice but to claim benefits.It was hard but thankfully the partner is now working again


Moneys money. If you can afford it it doesn’t matter where it comes from?

Im only on benefits as I am a full time carer for a disabled child. By the time my baby is born, I should be living with my partner who works


Everyone whose saying if your on benefits and you want another go ahead are deluded. What does it matter where the money comes from?? Well it matters to me, I work so hard for my money! When I see people blatantly dismiss the principles of what a benefit is then im sorry they need re-educating. Benefits are a stop-gap, full stop. They are not a full-time thing. With the exception of DLA and the people who need them for the right reasons. I know things are not as black and white as this but to go ahead and plan another baby while on support is madness. If I offend anyone sorry but in my personal situation I feel very upset by people who think this attitude is acceptable.


IF THEY ARE ON BENEFITS LONG TERM BECAUSE THEY “DON’T WANT TO WORK” THEN NO, however if they are on benefits because they cant work, or unforeseen circumstances mean they are temporarily on benefits then why not?


Obviously shit happens where people have to claim, been there done that. But I don’t agree with people who are claiming benefits, have no intention to work or even looking for work start having baby after baby, just wait till you can support them yourself


I have had jobs in between babies and when they start school and I only went on benefits when my ex moved out. It was never my intention to have babies and go on benefits but when people see a mom of five on benefits they assume you had the kids to get a house and benefits. Not that the circumstances of your life change.


I think if you are struggling it would be a stupid idea but if you can afford it I don’t think it matters a great deal where it comes from. Lets be honest its the government that put people in the position where they don’t have too work and get paid.  Im on benefits at home with my little one and I don’t plan to go back to work for another year as I want to see her grow up in her first years.  I worked up until I took my maternity leave so not as if I haven’t worked. But if I was in a position where I wanted to try for another one and I was still on benefits I would do it as long as I wouldn’t struggle and I would plan to go back to work not stay at home and keep popping out kids every few years.


Anyone can plan a baby no matter what or where the money comes from


I lost my job just before Josh was born, I get help with the rent but that’s it and after having our second child I’ll go back to work in a year or 2. But I do know someone who claimed as soon as they could, never worked or done any training trying to have a baby and that’s wrong


Why should it matter if your on Benefits? What if your getting older but are on benefits for reason that can’t be helped, should you not have a baby and then by the time you have a job its to late? I think everyone is entitled to have a baby when they want regardless of there money situation


Im sorry and im not judging as this topic can be taboo. Why should the taxes that I pay and work for go towards supporting other peoples children when my child can have it! And like I said depends on people situations, the benefit system is a wonderful thing and supports people in need, not lifestyle choices


I don’t think they should if its the case of they can work but don’t, I disagree with my taxes paying for someone else’s child, I understand if people have lost jobs and are struggling to get one, but I don’t understand why anybody would plan a baby knowing that they aren’t the ones supporting it, taxpayers are


I worked before having my children but Im not working now thou but do plan to go back to work next may time. My kids are 3 and 1 Im a career too as I have a child with a disability and to be honest even if we did or didn’t get the benefits I would still get taxed and the money goes nowhere. I don’t judge anyone having a baby as long as they are not doing it for the pennies and look too go back to work in the future


No! Sorry, but I don’t see why I can’t and both me and my partner work full time. We can’t afford another at the minute, so why should someone who doesn’t work?


Personally I wouldn’t plan a child while on benefits (I’m not on them and never have been) but if I want a child then it is up to me and my husband to pay to raise them. I would hate to have to rely on someone else to pay to clothe and feed my children. I have 2 children 3.5, and almost 2 and I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I work opposite shifts to my husband so we can provide for the children.

I’ll work all through my pregnancy and then back to work a year later. Obviously there are situations where people can’t physically work and need DLA ect which I can’t comment on as I haven’t been in the situation so I don’t know what is do. At one point I worked 7pm-7am got home had an hour sleep then my husband went to work and I got up to look after the children. I then had a 2hr nap in the afternoon with the children then back to work at 7 pm again for a 12 hourr shift


Well personally its the persons choice if they can give their baby love. I  don’t work but I cant work I still get pain after having gallbladder out and cant work but am currently pregnant with my second child


What are your views? 

Should mums in receipt of benefits be planning a child?