Should I Get Plastic Surgery and 10 Other Questions to Ask Before Going Under the Knife

By Djridings @fivethingsnow


Should I get plastic surgery?

This is a question many people ask themselves in their lifetime.

The rate of plastic surgery in the United States is steadily increasing, with just over 17 million people receiving minimally invasive surgery in 2017. During that same period, almost 2 million people received more invasive plastic surgery.

The most popular invasive surgery was a breast augmentation or breast implants. It's an old mainstay that has remained popular for a long period of time.

But is plastic surgery for you?

Read on for a series of questions to ask yourself before you take the plunge and sign on the dotted line.

1. Why Do I Want to Get Plastic Surgery?

This is a huge one and a question you really need to think about before committing.

Do you want to get plastic surgery because you would feel more confident about yourself? Why would you feel more confident? What is it about your current appearance that makes you feel less confident at the moment?

Getting plastic surgery can be a life-altering decision. Therefore, you need to commit to it from a proper standpoint. That is, you want to get plastic surgery for yourself.

If someone else suggests it, either a romantic partner or for your career, and you're not feeling it, don't do it. At the end of the day, you're the one who has to live with the surgery and any consequences of it. Not them.

2. How Long Have I Thought About This Surgery?

If this is something that's just popped into your head, perhaps it isn't the best time to sign up for an elective procedure. Instead, plastic surgery should be something you think about for several months, if not years, before biting the bullet.

Thinking about something for several years means that you're likely more committed to it than if it's just a spur of the moment thing.

Remember, plastic surgery is permanent. You can have it corrected, but you can't often go back to the exact way you looked before. Bear that in mind before you decide to have it done.

3. Can I Get the Same Results Without a Procedure?

Cosmetic surgery, while elective, is still surgery. That means it carries risks, especially if you're having general anesthesia. Most surgeons, oddly enough, would prefer that you not have surgery and get the results through conservative means, like weight loss or skin care.

If you'd like to get a breast reduction, for example, can you get the results by losing weight? Can you reduce the size of your arms if you want liposuction in them by toning up?

If the answer is yes to any of those questions, that should be your first port of call before you sign up for plastic surgery.

4. What Frame of Mind Am I In?

This question is extremely important. Many people who get multiple plastic surgeries suffer from body dysmorphia. This means that they don't see their body the way other people do. They may believe they're ugly or unworthy of love because of the way they look when to others, they appear "normal."

If you've ever been in therapy for a body image issue, particularly for body dysmorphia or an eating disorder, you should really consider this before you have plastic surgery. Some people's issues will not be solved through external means.

Therefore, plastic surgery will not be the appropriate avenue for you. Instead, you will need to have therapy to help you accept the parts of your body you're not comfortable with.

5. How Will This Surgery Enhance My Life?

Some people want plastic surgery because it will enhance their lives in a variety of ways. If you've always been self-conscious about your nose, for example, plastic surgery might help you feel a little bit better about your appearance.

If you have large breasts and need a reduction, your clothes might fit better, and you might not have as many back issues. Read more about some of the plastic surgeries that could benefit your life if you're in the right frame of mind.

However, for some people, plastic surgery may not really change how they feel about themselves. It may also end up causing more problems.

If you can't see the surgery benefiting your life in any way, you should probably skip it.

6. Am I Physically Healthy Enough for Plastic Surgery?

If you've had a lot of physical issues, including non-elective surgery, you may not be healthy enough for plastic surgery. A good plastic surgeon will make sure you are healthy enough to go under the knife, but some may operate in risky circumstances.

Before you decide to have plastic surgery, speak to your primary care physician about your health. See if he or she believes that you're healthy enough to undergo a procedure. If they disagree with the plastic surgeon, listen to your physician. They have your best interest in mind.

During a consultation with a plastic surgeon, always disclose health issues, especially heart or other organ problems. Not doing so can lead to life-threatening situations.

7. Did Anything Specific Make Me Want to Get Plastic Surgery?

Perhaps you felt fine about your body until a sexual partner said you would look better with larger breasts. That may have spurred you to start obsessively looking into getting plastic surgery and deciding it is something you want to pursue.

But in this case, it can be indicative of an underlying psychological issue. Instead, focus on why the comment made you want to change your body and what you can do to take care of yourself.

If you still want the surgery a year or two from now, then consider getting it.

8. Is a Plastic Surgeon Pressuring You Into Surgery?

A good surgeon will never pressure someone into elective surgery. However, plastic surgeons are known to sometimes make off-hand remarks that will make you think you need more surgery.

For example, a plastic surgeon may say, "I can fix that bump in your nose," when you go for a consultation for a breast lift. Previously, you never felt like you had a problem with your nose, but now that's all you think about.

Or, you may have gone for a consultation and the surgeon suggested you add on a couple of bonus procedures.

Don't let a plastic surgeon make you feel like you need more done than you want. After all, you'll be living in your body, not your plastic surgeon.

9. Is the Plastic Surgeon I Want to Use Reputable?

Before you get plastic surgery, you'll want to ensure the person who does your surgery is reputable.

A good way to make sure he or she is is to get a recommendation from your general practitioner. He or she likely knows someone who does cosmetic surgery and can refer you to someone he or she respects.

If not, you can look online and speak to friends and family who have had procedures previously.

Make sure you thoroughly research the doctor before you decide to go under the knife. Have a look at his or her previous work and decide if it has turned out well. You can even ask to speak to some of his or her former patients to help put your mind at ease.

You can also check to ensure that the doctor is board certified, as this is incredibly important. A non-board certified surgeon can really screw up your surgery, leaving you with scars and other issues for the rest of your life.

Verify certification with the site Certification Matters. This is fairly easy and takes just a few moments.

10. Is the Deal a Plastic Surgeon is Offering Too Good to Be True?

Ever heard of the phrase, "If something is too good to be true, it probably is?" Well, it's true.

If a plastic surgeon is offering deep discounts or two-for-one deals, they're probably not all that great or need business. Some might do so through some not so ethical practices.

Remember, the plastic surgery results will be carried on your body forever. If you don't like them, there isn't much that can be done besides going under the knife again.

Should I Get Plastic Surgery?

You may still be asking yourself, "Should I get plastic surgery?"

The answer lies within you. As cheesy as it sounds, no one can make the decision for you.

Instead, you'll have to honestly answer for yourself whether you're doing it for the right reasons, and the doctor you've chosen is trustworthy.

Want to learn five ways to improve your beauty routine instead of getting plastic surgery? Click here for some of the best-kept secrets of the industry.