Should Effeminate Boys Be Bullied?

Posted on the 08 July 2016 by Calvinthedog

Optimus Prime: I miss Epgah’s comments on these topics. He would make a kill out of these topics.

Jason Y: He would refuse to admit his idiotic hatred of NAM’s stems from childhood bullying. Bullying which he encourages among Whites to keep them from becoming Liberace faggots.

Like Sam he would just go on and on denying that certain whites can be as mean, parasitic, drug addicted, and socially destructive as some NAM’S.

You do not think highly effeminate boys who act like Liberace faggots should not be teased, taunted and horseplayed with or even bullied? I do. I don’t agree with hitting them or threatening them though. That takes it too far.

How else are other boys going to get the message that it is not ok to act like a flaming faggot? Do you think these boys come out of the womb acting like flaming queers? This is probably learned behavior. Sure, a lot of them won’t stop acting that way, but still they need to be taught that they should not act like that.

They have to be seriously faggy though. A lot of straight boys and men get this treatment just for being soft, quiet or pretty. I went through some anti-gay bullying myself even into my early 20’s, including one episode that went on for weeks, and I am not even gay! And I have been gay bashed three different times, once with a bat! And I’m not even gay! I am not even effeminate either, the way I see it. But I had some friends who got called gay constantly and they were not even 1% effeminate. They were just soft, pretty, sensitive, into clothes, etc. One guy was one of the most insane pussy hounds I have ever met, but people kept calling him gay anyway.

Even though I would oppose violence or violent threats against these boys. I absolutely oppose gay bashing as you can see above. And I would absolutely oppose any mistreatment of biologically gay boys just for having a homosexual orientation. I have had gay male clients who got humiliated badly that way in high school, and it was not a good experience. And of course effeminate or even highly effeminate men, not to mention gay men, should be left alone. But I don’t know how even that is going to work, as even many gay men despise the flamers.

Also at some point the bullying of effeminate boys needs to stop, maybe by high school or so if it’s been going on for several years already. By that time the behavior is deeply ingrained, and those boys are unlikely to change. Also, the only boys with whom a reasonable percentage of them who can be reasonably expected to lay off faggoty boys would be high school boys. Younger boys will probably never lay off faggoty boys without some serious cultural changes, and I am not sure if I want them to.

One more thing: Do you honestly think that 10 year old boys will ever accept boys who act like flaming fags?

Also: If boys come to view Liberace faggot behavior as a-ok, don’t you think more of them might start acting that way? I mean why not, if it’s perfectly ok, right?