Each year we hear the cry that there is a "war on christmas" -- and one reason is that christians want only there symbols (usually a nativity scene) to be displayed on government property. They think they are being discriminated against if other religions or schools of anti-religious thought are also allowed to display -- in spite of the fact that giving one religion, including christianity, preferential treatment by any government entity would be a violation of religious freedom (the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution).
Christians, especially evangelical christians, would like for you to believe a majority of Americans agree with them -- that they should be the only ones allowed to display their symbols on government property. Is that true? Not according to a survey done by the Pew Research Center. That survey was done between December 3rd and 7th of a random national sample of 1,507 adults, with a margin of error of 2.9 points. The margin of error for individual groups is slightly higher.
It shows that is a minority view. While 44% would be happy to have a christian-only display, about 48% think there should be no religious displays or displays allowed only if all points of view can be represented. If this truly is a "war on christmas" (a ludicrous idea), then the evangelicals are losing it.