Short Hair, Don't Care (Or, An Abundance of Selfies)

By Eula @omgaeula
Once upon a time, I let my hair grow out down past my boobage.
Also known as mermaid hair.
Because you could swim in it.
It was really fun because I could curl it ~Victoria's Secret style.
And it would hold the curl until the next day, making for a really cute messy updo. Or I could rock the sock bun for a few hours.
And unroll it into unruly out-of-bed curls.
That would settle into waves at the end of the day.
So, long hair was really fun. With proper volume it was actually slimming. I shy away from sleeveless tops because I have flabulous arms. But with long hair I could wear practically anything and look petite.
Then summer arrived and I would wake up to a sweat-soaked nape and my head would ache from the weight of my hair pulled up into a ponytail and taking a shower took 30 minutes never mind how long it took for everything to dry and just fuck it, I didn't need the hassle.
So 1 foot of hair less later, hellooo summer hair. Chic and sleek with a bitchface to match. (As seen on instagram.)

Unfortunately I can't look taray forever so most of the time I look like an eight-year old. Or Asian Dora with glasses.
Fuck it, it's summer.